Franciscan System Services Virtual Health - Bargaining Begins!

On Thursday, August 15 our Virtual Health bargaining team met with management for our first bargaining day of this contract cycle to begin work on our next collective bargaining agreement.

We began the day finalizing proposals focused on expanding our rights as union members, updating some scheduling language (like extra shifts & low census!), as well as proposing market-increases to a few of the existing premium pays in our contract, as well as proposing some new premiums which have been won by surrounding workers in other union contracts.

After presenting these initial proposals to management, we spent the remainder of the afternoon reviewing regional healthcare wages and putting together our forthcoming proposal to make our pay competitive with regional employers. We hope to present our wage proposal to the Employer at our next session with Virtual Health, which is scheduled for Thursday the 29th.

"We're looking forward to hearing management's responses to our proposals! We're eager to strengthen our union contract, raise our pay, and come out of negotiations stronger than ever!"

—Rayann La Madeleine

Your union bargaining team:

Chelan Henley, Virtual Companion; Rayann La Madeleine, Central Monitoring Telemetry; Faith Couch, Central Monitoring Telemetry.