Conifer St. Michael Medical Center - Bargaining Begins!

Wednesday, August 28, marked the first day of negotiations with the Employer. Our Union Bargaining Team met with the Employer to discuss ground rules that would establish how bargaining would be conducted moving forward, as well as to address some of our initial non-economic concerns such as: issues around new technology and communication in our workplace, our work schedules, and even the successorship of our contract in the event that the business is ever sold. While progress in these things started slowly, both sides began to discuss the issues that we are facing in our work sites. We feel the negotiations have started off on a positive note, with common ground being found on some issues, and meaningful discussion happening where we have not yet been able to make agreements.

It is our hope that this signals that the Employer has come ready to listen to workers and to take our issues seriously. While there is still a lot of work to do, including addressing all our economic proposals, we are happy to say that things have started off on the right foot; we are optimistic that we will continue to make progress as we continue to meet.

“Everyone wants a good contract. We all want a good outcome.” 

— Nicole Peschon, Coding Specialist

Our Bargaining Team: Nicole Peschon, Coding Specialist; Linnea Ellis, Patient Access Representative