Safeway Meat Warehouse - Bargaining Update

We met with the employer on Monday, August 26, for our first bargaining session.

Our committee made a comprehensive proposal that would:

  • Achieve wage parity with other departments in the distribution center

  • Increase our contributions to our pension over the course of the contract

  • Maintain our healthcare coverage

  • Protect our contract in the event of an acquisition or sale

  • Guarantee 40 hours of work each week for the most senior employees

We were able to come to a tentative agreement with the employer on a few items, including the future funding of our healthcare and securing new successorship language that would protect our contract if our company or warehouse gets sold to another company. The company is expected to give our committee a counter on economics at our next bargaining date, which is scheduled for September 23 and 24.

Our Bargaining Team: Jimbo Mackovicz, Justin Meyers, Saul Ortega