Bargaining Update Jefferson Pro Tech/Clinic
On Tuesday, December 31, we had a short bargaining session. We presented a full economic proposal to Management and received their response right before the end of the session.
Management had previously proposed a wage scale that included a percentage-based wage increase for all positions and an additional flat dollar increase for some positions. This created a wage scale where the total percentage increase varied depending on the step.
Our response to Management was a percentage-based wage increase for everyone, with an additional percentage increase for jobs currently below the local market. Management has been trying to compete with local hospitals, specifically Whidbey Health Medical Center, Olympic Medical Center, and St. Michael Medical Center.
The package proposal we presented to management also included proposals on Weekend and Shift Differentials, pay for work on an unscheduled day, Certification and BSN/MSN pay, Preceptor Pay, pay for additional hours, an updated Surgical Tech, Imaging Tech, RT/RCP agreements.
We are reviewing Management’s new proposal and preparing to respond when we meet next week. Our next bargaining session is scheduled for January 10th.
For additional Information reach out to a Bargaining Team Member or to Union Representative Kimberly Starkweather 206-436-6515.
Bargaining Team: Donita French, Casey Paredes, Leanne Potts and Kim Vasenda.
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