Haggen Update

September 9, 2015

Dear Haggen Members:

The news that Haggen has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy is incredibly difficult to hear and we know that it has caused you, and so many of your co-workers and your families, serious concern. 

As difficult as this process is and may be, we are absolutely committed to keeping you and every member of our union family informed of what we know and what is happening. 

It is quite clear that the Haggen’s management team have made some very serious strategic missteps, especially during its most recent growth. For decades Haggen and our local union communicated openly about the status and the future of the company, but that clearly changed with new ownership. 

It is simply wrong for all of our hard-working Haggen employees to have learned about this bankruptcy filing on the local news.

With respect to the current bankruptcy filing, our union’s legal team and advisors are analyzing the bankruptcy filing to see what it means for you and your co-workers. As soon as our analysis is complete, we will let you know immediately.

We want to be very clear, our union contracts is still intact. We expect Haggen to honor them and we will fight to make sure they do.

As part of our efforts, your International Union is coordinating efforts for all of the locals up and down the West Coast, so that we have a focused and united response from our entire union family.

Going forward, we need to work together like never before to make sure that Haggen does what is right by you and every member of our union family. The simple fact is that your voice, your support, and the support of your friends and the community, is critical.

As we have made clear to Haggen, they have a responsibility to do what is right, and we will stand and fight for your hard-earned wages and benefits.

We will keep you informed of every new development, and we ask you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you or your family may have at 1-800-732-1188. 

Todd Crosby



Faye Guenther