BUILDING UNITY - Ready to Bargain

Being united in bargaining is how we gain strength and power. PCC has new worksite leaders who are ready to make a difference in their workplace. Laurae McIntyre, PCC Fremont; Allison Kelly-Rostholden, PCC Fremont; Paul Toilolo, PCC Greenlake Aurora; Joshua Karell, PCC Greenlake Aurora and Jeannette Quintamilla PCC Greenlake Aurora.

“I want to represent and defend the interests of my fellow employees with fairness, justice, and knowledge. I will also stand up for equal opportunity, no discrimination, human rights and good labor relations between workers and our employer. In addition, I want to help facilitate communication and make sure my fellow employees have a voice and have support.” Jeanett Quintanilla 

“I want to stand up for what I believe in.” John Toilolo

“I want to do what I can so everyone is treated fairly.” Joshua Karell