Jefferson Healthcare RN - Management is Being Unreasonable

Our bargaining team met with management on December 28 to continue negotiations and worked into the early morning the following day. Although we were able to make some movement, we were disappointed with management’s economic proposal.

Management is proposing to cut into our medical leave by stripping away the protections that allows you to return to your position after recovering from a medical or maternal leave. A prospect that is even more unthinkable in the time of COVID.

They want to take away shift differential pay for day shift employees and some evening shift employees based on the timing of your shifts. This coming at a time when nearly everyone is already working well past their FTE due to staffing shortages and are feeling the emotional exhaustion and burnout that is hitting harder than ever. 

Management says they want to raise wages to be competitive in the market but seem fine leaving those who have put in the most time with Jefferson Healthcare behind by offering multiple wage proposals where nurses would make less money in each following year than they did the previous year.

Jefferson is telling us that this is the best they can do. This is unacceptable and NOW is the time to let them know that we will not stand for takeaways in our contract. We have worked hard to serve our community and patients during this unprecedented crisis, and it is unreasonable for Jefferson to expect us to do that and do it while they take even more from us than the last two years already have. 

Sign the Petition for Respect and Retention!

Please contact any of the Bargaining Team Nurses for details: Ben Schadler, RN ICU; Melanee Knudson, RN FBC; Jeannette Hundley, RN Surgical Services; Robin Bridge, RN ED

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