Lourdes Medical Center Techs New Three Year Contract Ratified at 100%
/Left to right: Melinda McBee, Pharmacy Tech “Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make a Difference”; David Coomes, Surgical Tech “Get involved become part of the solution”; Shahna Airoldi Ultrasound Tech “Get educated on your contract. It is power”; Robert Roy Respiratory Therapist “I have learned a lot through this process and am eager and willing to learn MORE”, Juanita Quezada, Union Representative;Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech “It is the U and I in Union that makes us STRONG”; Francisco Ramon-Montoya, Rehab “You will never win if you never begin”; Jorge Rodriquez, Surgical Tech not pictured
This contract Includes:
Secure across the bargaining unit wage increase for all members each year of the contract and retro back to January 1, 2023
Improvements throughout the scale wages.
Increase PTO hours max accrual bank.
Improvement to rest between shift language
Improvements to premium pays
Provides process to increase wages mid-contract
New membership language that will build power within the medical center.
New step increase practice to improve the process of getting increases.
On Tuesday January 31, 2023 represented employees at Lourdes Medical Center showed up in Super Majority numbers to sign up to become UFCW 3000 members and vote on our new contract. Our Bargaining Team would like to thank everyone that showed up to vote and remind everyone to check your paychecks frequently. Remember: now the hard work of enforcing the contract begins.
If you have questions, please reach out to our Bargaining Team members or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at 509-340-7407. If you have a potential grievance please reach out to the MEMBER RESOURCE CENTER at 1-866-210-3000