UFCW 3000 Member Story: Sumitra Zoller

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Sumitra Zoller

Sumitra (Sam)Zoller is a Health Unit Coordinator/Certified Nursing Assistant at Lourdes Medical Center in Pasco Washington. She has been a loyal employee and has been with the organization for over 15 years and helped organize the union in 2020/2021 and then served on the first contract bargaining committee.

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Lourdes Medical Center Service and Maintenance Contract Ratified!

Contract extended!

On March 15, 2024, Members of the Service and Maintenance Unit ratified a 2-year extension to their current contract that will now expire July 23, 2027. The contract extension will provide wage increases the first full pay period in April to all represented employees and place

Lourdes at a far better position to recruit and retain staff. Represented staff will start accruing PTO at a higher rate and the max cap on the PTO bank will increase.

Please contact a bargaining team member or Union Representative Juanita Quezada with any questions or concerns.

Lourdes Medical Center - Tentative Agreement Reached at Lourdes Medical Center for Contract Extension and Wage Increases for All Represented Service & Maintenance Employees

To address the immediate retention and recruitment issues at Lourdes Medical Center, the bargaining team and Administration met to discuss the possibility of extending the current contract with increases to compensation and other changes. After two days of conversations, we were able to reach a tentative agreement that will close the gap in compensation with our geographic competitor. We believe the increases will help our hospital with retention and recruitment, which will lead to better patient outcomes.

“The bargaining team worked hard to make sure that there were substantial increases to the wage scale, increases to PTO accrual, and an additional step to the top of the scale. It was an intense bargaining session, but we finally met somewhere in the middle. Without a Union, we have no voice. Having a Union gives us a strong voice and makes it easier to stand up and fight back.”

— Our Bargaining Team, Left to right: Candie Gonzales, Rorie Lopez, Sam Zoller, Juanita Quezada Representative

Competitive wages are an absolute must to recruit and retain quality staff. We believe this proposal achieves that goal.

Drop-in Vote Meeting!

March 15, 2024,
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Carondolet Room

Please join your bargaining team in voting YES on March 15, 2024, anytime between 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM in the Carondolet room next to the cafeteria. A complete document of the contract and the new wage scale will be available at the vote along with your bargaining team to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. You must be a UFCW 3000 member in good standing to vote. Please reach out to your Union Representative Juanita Quezada with any questions at (509) 340-7407.

Lourdes Medical Center RNs - New union contract ratified

Lourdes Medical Center RNs
New union contract ratified

“We are glad we are finally competitive with the market!”

—Jennifer Powell, RN and Bargaining Team member

Our Bargaining Team: Jennifer Powell, Jessica Leon, and Holly Kelly

The new contract was overwhelming voted and approved on December 27 and it includes:

  • Significant wage increases making Lourdes more competitive

  • Additional Step 32 at the top of the scale

  • Premium increases to:

  • Charge Nurse Differential

  • Night Shift Differential

  • On-call Differential

  • Preceptor Premium increase

  • Increase PTO accrual for 5-15+ years of services

  • Memorandum of understanding (MOU) compensation for SANE

  • Two-year extension to the current contract: The new contract will now expire January 1, 2027.

QUESTIONS? Contact a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ 509-340-7407.

Lourdes Medical Center RN Tentative Agreement reached for contract extension and wage increases for all Nurses

In an attempt to address the immediate retention and recruitment issues at Lourdes Medical Center, our Bargaining Team and Administration met to discuss the possibility of extending the current contract with increases to compensation and some other changes.

After two long days of conversations, we were able to reach a tentative agreement that will close the gap in compensation with our geographic competitor. We believe the increases will help our hospital with retention and recruitment.

Our Bargaining Team worked hard and made sure that there were substantial economic increases, increases to PTO accrual, an addition step to the top of the scale, and premiums were increased in many areas including Charge Nurse, On-Call, Night shift differential, Preceptor, and a new SANE premium.

“Competitive wages are an absolute must to recruit and retain nurses. We believe this proposal achieves that goal and makes me very happy.” — Jennifer Powell RN

“It is great to be part of a Union that always has the members’ best interest in mind and supports our efforts in achieving those interest.” — Holly Kelly RN

“I feel accomplished and fulfilled in being part of a successful negotiation in this expedited process. It is a validation of our hard work, dedication, and the value we brought to the table as a team.” — Jessica Leon RN

Please join our Bargaining Team in voting YES!

December 27, 2023 any time between 6:30am to 8:00am and 11:00am to 2:00pm in the Carondolet Room next to the cafeteria.

A complete document of the contract and the new wage scale will be available at the vote along with our Bargaining Team to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.

You must be a member in good standing to be eligible to vote. Please reach out to Union Representative Juanita Quezada with any questions at 509-340-7407.

Lourdes Medical Center Techs New Three Year Contract Ratified at 100%

Left to right: Melinda McBee, Pharmacy Tech “Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make a Difference”; David Coomes, Surgical Tech “Get involved become part of the solution”; Shahna Airoldi Ultrasound Tech “Get educated on your contract. It is power”; Robert Roy Respiratory Therapist “I have learned a lot through this process and am eager and willing to learn MORE”, Juanita Quezada, Union Representative;Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech “It is the U and I in Union that makes us STRONG”; Francisco Ramon-Montoya, Rehab “You will never win if you never begin”; Jorge Rodriquez, Surgical Tech not pictured

This contract Includes:

  • Secure across the bargaining unit wage increase for all members each year of the contract and retro back to January 1, 2023

  • Improvements throughout the scale wages.

  • Increase PTO hours max accrual bank.

  • Improvement to rest between shift language

  • Improvements to premium pays

  • Provides process to increase wages mid-contract

  • New membership language that will build power within the medical center.

  • New step increase practice to improve the process of getting increases.

On Tuesday January 31, 2023 represented employees at Lourdes Medical Center showed up in Super Majority numbers to sign up to become UFCW 3000 members and vote on our new contract. Our Bargaining Team would like to thank everyone that showed up to vote and remind everyone to check your paychecks frequently. Remember: now the hard work of enforcing the contract begins.

If you have questions, please reach out to our Bargaining Team members or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at 509-340-7407. If you have a potential grievance please reach out to the MEMBER RESOURCE CENTER at 1-866-210-3000

Lourdes Medical Center / Lifepoint - Tentative Agreement Reached—Vote Scheduled!

After just 8 sessions of bargaining, your Bargaining Team is recommending a YES vote on the proposed new 3-year contract with Lourdes Medical Center.

This contract will: 

  • Secure across the bargaining unit wage increase for all members each year of the contract and retro back to January 1, 2023

  • Improvements throughout the wage scale

  • Increase PTO hours max accrual bank

  • Improvement to rest between shift language

  • Improvements to premium pays

  • Provides process to increase wages mid-contract

  • New membership language that will build power within the medical center

  • New step increase practice to improve the process of getting increases

Members will need to be in good standing and attend the vote in person. You can also sign up to become a member at the vote.

Join us in voting “YES” at one of these three meetings!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 

  • 6:00am to 8:00am

  • 11:00am to 1:00pm

  • 4:00pm to 6:00pm 

in the Farley Room

Your bargaining team will be present to answer any questions and complete documents will be provided at the vote for review.

If you have questions, please reach out to your bargaining team members or Union Representative Juanita Quezada at 509-340-7407.

  • Melinda McBee, Pharmacy Tech

  • Jorge Rodriquez, Surgical Tech: “We worked very hard to accomplish the most for all!”

  • Shahna Airoldi, Ultrasound Tech

  • Juanita Quezada, Union Representative

  • David Coomes, Surgical Tech “The greater the obstacle is the greater the

  • Francisco Ramon-Montoya, Rehab: “You will never win if you never begin!”

  • Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech

  • Robert Roy, Respiratory Tech

LOURDES MEDICAL CENTER/ LIFEPOINT - Technical Unit Bargaining Update

Technical Unit Bargaining Update

Our next bargaining dates will be on January 18 and 19.

Our Bargaining Team met with the Employer for two days of bargaining this week. While we were very close to reaching a Tentative Agreement we caught some mistakes in documents that the Employer provided to us and we were unable to continue until those were investigated and taken care of. We are still confident that our hard work at the table will help win a contract that address economic justice and strengthen our Union within the workplace.

Please reach out to one of your Bargaining Team members or Representative Juanita Quezada at (509)340-7407 with any questions, concerns, or comments.

Your Bargaining Team, Left to Right:
Malinda Mcbee, Pharmacy Tech; Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech; Juanita Quezada, Union Representative; Francisco Roman-Montoya, Rehab Aide; David Coomes, Surgical Tech; Shahna Airoldi, Ultrasound; Robert Roy, Respiratory Therapist; Not pictured: George Rodriguez, Surgical Tech

“It is better to be safe than sorry.” - Malinda Mcbee, Pharmacy Tech

“The team wants to make sure we have accurate information to get the best possible contract.” - Shahna Airoldi, Ultrasound

“We are making sure that we are crossing our T’s and dotting our I’s.” - George Rodriguez, Surgical Tech

“Adversity eventually leads to a better win.” - David Coomes, Surgical Tech

Lourdes Medical Center/ LifePoint - Technical Bargaining Continues

Our Bargaining Team met with the Employer for two days of bargaining this week and are confident that our hard work at the table will help win a contract that will address economic justice and strengthen our Union within the workplace. 

Our next bargaining dates: Wednesday, January 4 and Thursday, January 5

For questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to a Bargaining Team Member or Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ 509-340-7407.

“Positive thinking will let you do everything over negative thinking.” 

- Malinda Mcbee, Pharmacy Tech

 “Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much.”

- Monica Cacioppo, Pharmacy Tech

 “Everything is looking good.  We are moving in the right direction.”

- Francisco Roman-Montoya, Rehab Aide

“The battle is long but the reward is great.” 

- David Coomes, Surgical Tech

“Your Bargaining Team is working hard for you, have no fear.”

- Shahna Airoldi, Ultrasound

Our Lourdes Medical Center Bargaining Team (L-R): Malinda Mcbee - Pharmacy Tech, Monica Cacioppo - Pharmacy Tech, Juanita Quezada - Union Rep, Francisco Roman-Montoya - Rehab Aide, David Coomes - Surgical Tech, Shahna Airoldi - Ultrasound, Robert Roy, Respiratory Therapist; Not pictured: George Rodriguez - Surgical Tech

Lourdes Medical Center/LifePoint (Technical) Bargaining Begins

Lourdes Medical Center/LifePoint (Technical)

Bargaining Begins

Our next bargaining dates will be December 19 and December 20. We are hopeful that we can get closer to a recommended offer before the Holidays.

"Our Bargaining Team met with the Employer last week. We are striving to get a great contract with our focus being on wages, membership and cleaning up other language in our contract. Everyone is working hard for a contract we can all be happy with.”

- Shahna Airoldi, Ultrasound Tech, Steward, Bargaining Team member

For questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ (509) 340-7407.

Our Bargaining Team (L - R): Juanita Quezada - Union Representative, Shahna Airoldi - Ultrasound, Malinda Mcbee - Pharmacy Tech, Francisco Roman-Montoya - Rehab Aide, George Rodriguez - Surgical Tech, Robert Roy - Respiratory Therapist
Not Pictured: Monica Cacioppo - Pharmacy Tech, David Coomes - Surgical Tech

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Jessica Leon

Jessica Leon, RN at Lourdes Medical Center and proud UFCW 3000 member, pictured with her family for one of her children's college graduation.

Jessica Leon, RN at Lourdes Medical Center and proud UFCW 3000 member, pictured with her family

It’s time for another UFCW 3000 #MemberMonday spotlight! Today’s story is about Jessica Leon, who currently works as an RN at Lourdes Medical Center in Pasco, WA.

Jessica is a dedicated nurse, mother, and leader in her workplace. Growing up, her parents imbedded in her the importance of helping others and of being mindful in relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and community members. These skills are constantly on display whether Jessica is at work or at home.

Jessica states that she is currently working on building relationships with her coworkers and encouraging them to organize together to bring about change in their workplace. In fact, Jessica stepped up as a leader this year by joining the bargaining team at her hospital. In her eyes, having a voice at the table has helped her encourage others to advocate for their rights at work.

Outside of work, Jessica is very close with her family, and spends as much time with them as she can. She is proud of the fact that her family comes together and works through challenges and goals as a team. Jessica wants to keep learning and growing as a worker-leader in her hospital so that she can help her coworkers have quality family time, since it is so important for her!

Jessica — thank you so much for your leadership in the workplace and in the community!

Lourdes Medical Center RN - New Three-Year Contract Ratified with Super Majority Vote effective January 1, 2022 through January 1, 2025

After countless hours of hard work and dedication put in by your bargaining team, we were able to recommend and ratify our new contract with competitive wage increases that will be retroactive to January 1, 2022, increase to max accrual bank and secure better membership language.

We look forward to building strength and unity within our facility so that we can show LifePoint that we will not be divided in our desire to be treated with respect and equity.

Please contact your bargaining team or Union Rep Maureen Hatton 509-340-7370 with any questions or concerns.

Your Bargaining Team, Left to Right: Holly Kelly, Jennifer Powell and Jessica Leon

Lourdes Medical Center RN - Tentative Agreement Reached

After a marathon bargain session on March 1 we are pleased to announce that we have a fully recommended tentative agreement that consists of NO TAKEAWAYS.

Although we did not get everything that we were asking for, we did make huge progress is gaining ground to become more competitive in wages within our region. We were also able to improve some other areas within our contract.

Please join us in voting YES on this new three year agreement on Monday, March 21.

You must be present and a member in good standing to vote.

A full version of the contract will be available at the vote for your viewing and your team will be present to answer any questions you may have on the proposal.

Please reach out to your bargaining team or Union Representative Maureen Hatton at 509-340-7370 with any questions or concerns

Join your coworkers and vote on your new contract!

Monday, March 21
11 AM - 1 PM
5 PM - 8 PM

Carondelet Room (next to cafeteria)

Lourdes Medical Center - Bargaining Update

We met with the Employer on Thursday, February 3, for a round of bargaining. Although the Employer voiced recognition of the importance of being market competitive in terms of benefits and wages, their initial compensation proposal did not support the need.

Our Bargaining Team is working hard to address the inequities amongst facilities in the area and the need for recognition of longevity. We look forward to a complete response from the Employer to our comprehensive proposal at our next meeting on Thursday, February 24.

Please wear your sticker to show support to our Bargaining Team as we continue working towards a fair contract.

Please reach out to our Bargaining Team or Union Rep Maureen Hatton at 509-340-7370 with any questions or concerns.

Bargaining Team:
Jennifer Powell, RN - Surgery
Holly Kelly, RN - Admitting
Jessica Leon, RN - Med/Surg

Lourdes Medical Center - First Contract Ratified!

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On July 23, 2021 the Lourdes Medical Center service and Maintenance employees unanimously voted to ratify their first contract with LifePoint. After 10 months of bargaining, leafletting, picketing, we finally came to a tentative agreement that we were able to confidently bring forward to membership with a recommended yes vote.

The contract includes fair wages and benefits and the tools to build a safe and healthy working environment. This could not have been done without the hard work and dedicated leadership of the bargaining team.

This is a strong foundation that our Union can build on for years to come. 

Please contact your Union Representative Austen Louden at 509-340-7372 with any questions or concerns. 

Your Bargaining Team:

Isabella Amaro, NAC

Juanita Quezada, HUC/NAC

Aurora Lopez, ED Coordinator

Jordan Aviles, NAC

Maria Hinojosa, Central Processing

Sam Zoller, NAC

Lourdes Medical Center - Bargaining Continues

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The bargaining team met twice with the employer this last week and although we exchanged several proposals on Employment Practices and Definitions, the employer continues to refuse to respond to our wage and economic proposals.  We meet with the employer again on May 27 and are looking forward to some movement on wages.

Please contact one of your bargaining team members to update your contact information so that you get the bargaining updates quickly.

Please contact your Representative, Austen Louden at (509)340-7372 with any questions or concerns.

Your Bargaining Team:

Isabella Amaro, NAC

Juanita Quezada, HUC/NAC

Aurora Lopez, ED Coordinator

Jordan Aviles, NAC

Maria Hinojosa, Central Processing

Sam Zoller, NAC

Lourdes Medical Center - Bargaining Continues

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After 5 months of bargaining the Employer has finally agreed to a wage progression scale with guaranteed annual increases.  Although this is an achievement, we have a lot of work ahead on the rates of that scale.

The Union will be working on a response to the Employer’s wage proposal and will be prepared to exchange our counter at the next bargaining date April 13, 2021.

Please reach out to your Bargaining Team or Austen Louden Union Representative (509)340-7372 with any questions or concerns. 

Your Bargaining Team:

Isabella Amaro, NAC

Juanita Quezada, HUC/NAC

Aurora Lopez, ED Coordinator

Jordan Aviles, NAC

Maria Hinojosa, Central Processing

Sam Zoller, NAC

Lourdes United - Standing United for a Fair Contract

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We will be holding an informational picket for safety, competitive wages, and a fair contract for Lourdes Counseling Center and Lourdes Medical Center.

Info Picket
March 1, 2021
3:30 PM until 5:30 PM
520 N. 4th Avenue, Pasco WA

Lourdes Counseling Center and Lourdes Medical Center have each had 10 bargaining sessions and the employer has not moved until just recently when our action have ramped up. 

We need to continue pressure with United actions.

Now is the time to show LifePoint we are United.

LifePoint, we are tired of carrying you on our backs!

Please join one of our Zoom meeting on February 24 for more information. Contact one of your bargaining team members or your Union Rep Austen Louden at 509-340-7372 for any questions or concerns.

Join Our Update Meeting on Wednesday, February 24!

Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for call-in details.

Lourdes Counseling Center - Lifepoint is Stalling

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Lifepoint indicated to us that they will be attempting to eliminate the RN’s holiday pay premium at Lourdes Medical Center during their next bargain which is their rationale for not extending this double time premium for those working the actual holiday to our bargaining unit. We will be leafleting at Lourdes Medical Center next Tuesday, December 22, 2020 from 3:30-5:30 PM. We will be targeting nurses among others, letting them know that Lifepoint is coming for them next. The theme for this leafletting is “How Lourdes Stole Christmas.” Come get your picture taken with the Grinch!

We have worked hard at the bargaining table, but we are finding ourselves picketing and leafletting in mid-December due to the employers refusal to recognize safety and fair wages. We realize this is the week of Christmas, but we need to keep applying pressure on the employer. We wanted a fair contract far before now but unfortunately the employer has chosen to stall, delay, and prolong the inevitable all in an attempt to test the strength of our unity. 

Great showing from everyone at the pickets on December 14! Thank you to the staff who participated, including your friends and families in attendance. We also had support from a LMC RNs and Teamsters at the evening session. Morning crew—you knocked it out of the park with your interviews. It truly takes a village.

Please reach out to your bargaining team for more information or contact your Union Representative Austen Louden: 509-340-7371, Alouden@UFCW21.org

Our Bargaining Team: Jordan Cox, Pam Garland, Paul Knighten, Tim Orr