Multicare Health System - The Power Of Solidarity

For those of you who joined our Telephone Town Hall on the evening of June 27, you know that after our recent meeting with MultiCare to bargain our nine union contracts, we don’t have much to say other than we are fed up, and our patience is nearly exhausted.

We have spent months putting together proposals that we strongly believe address the workplace issues that matter most to us. We have communicated to MultiCare why competitive market wages and changes to the health insurance plan are so important, yet we feel that the Employer has failed to address the root of these issues.

However, following our informational picket earlier this month, it is evident that our collective power is beginning to shift the dynamic at the bargaining table. MultiCare has come to negotiations more willing to address some of the other issues, including an agreement to expand our bereavement leave, which management had previously shown little interest in. Nevertheless, we must apply additional pressure to secure the improvements we need on wages and benefits.

We are scheduled to continue negotiations with the Employer on July 8 and July 12. In the very near future, your Union Bargaining Committee will be announcing vote meetings to be scheduled after our bargaining date on the 12th.

Stay tuned for updates, and remember that it is our collective power that will win us strong contracts.

“It’s coming down to the wire, and we need your support. Wear your Union buttons & keep your solidarity strong.”
— Karen Towne, Medical Assistant @ Tacoma Family Medicine