WhidbeyHealth Service & Support - Ratification Vote Notice

After our last negotiation session with WhidbeyHealth, the Employer presented us with a Last, Best, and Final offer via email in response to our last counter-proposal on all outstanding issues. This means that a vote on what that offer is will be forthcoming on Thursday, August 1. Upon review of the proposal we are recommending a "Yes" vote to ratify the offer.

Some of the highlights include:
  • Wage parity: We secured agreement that WhidbeyHealth would recognize past experience for represented workers at 100%. After discussion over many sessions, the Employer recognized that we need our most senior workers moved up on the scales the soonest. Their proposal partially reflects this, but also phases in less senior folks sooner whose resulting wage step increase would be less of a financial impact to the Employer in the immediate future.

  • Market adjustments of wage scales: When the mid-cycle wage bargain happened in 2022 the result (as with the Professional and Technical contract) was that many people further up the scale received increases that put them ahead of what workers earn at competing hospitals. This also resulted in workers on the earlier steps of the wage scale earning less than what workers earn at competing hospitals. Thus, management concentrated on increases at the lower steps in this bargaining cycle.

  • Ratification bonuses: If we ratify the contract with a "Yes" vote by Thursday, August 1, we will receive ratification bonuses. These bonuses will be pro-rated by FTE; folks with the most years at WhidbeyHealth will receive the largest bonuses.

  • More: Improvements to the weekend premium, shift differentials, standby pay, certification pay, and lead pay.

  • We look forward to seeing you at the following times on Thursday, August 1, to discuss the offer and vote on it:

    Main Hospital Coupeville HEC Room C
    6:00 AM - 9:00 AM
    12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Clinic #1 - Oak Harbor - Cabot Break Room
    3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

    Clinic #2 - Oak Harbor - Goldie Conference Room
    2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

    Clinic - Freeland Break Room
    10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

    Clinic - Clinton Break Room
    9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

    Bargaining Team: Marilyn Faber, Patient Financial Service; Liz Latiff, Health Unit Coordinator