UFCW 3000 Member Story: April Webb

April Webb smiles at the camera for a portrait.

April Webb has worked for Macy's at the Lancôme cosmetics counter for just 1 year, but has quickly grown to become a skilled workplace leader. As a new hire during the last Macy’s contract campaign in 2023, she started by getting her coworkers to wear union buttons and to participate in the summer and fall info pickets. When Macy’s workers went on strike over Macy’s unfair labor practices in November she helped make sure her coworkers in cosmetics were ready to strike on Black Friday.

After the Macy’s contract was settled and ratified by Macy’s workers April went to her first Leadership in Action Training where she learned how to stop a bully boss and how to organize a march on the boss. Recently April was able helped a co-worker advocate for a wage increase with management, and they were able to get that extra 1 per hour.

Often workplace leaders are seasoned employees who overtime have gotten an education about the value of organizing with their coworkers and having a strong union. April shows that you can go from new hire to shop steward quickly when the need arises.

If you are interested in becomes a workplace leader (aka a shop steward) attend one of our upcoming Leadership in Action Trainings or talk to your union representative about an in person training.