Northwest Administrators update on system outage

On May 13, many members at NW Administrators were dismissed from work early due to a system outage. UFCW 3000 is currently investigating the situation and has requested additional information from Management to determine the extent of the problem. While we wait for that information, it is important that you are aware of the following:

You are entitled to a minimum of 4 hours pay for any day on which you report to work and are dismissed early. If you were dismissed before completing 4 hours of work, you should be paid for a minimum of 4 hours.

Management cannot compel you to use annual leave to cover the time lost following dismissal. If you already put in for annual leave for the lost hours and would prefer to take the time as unpaid, you should inform your manager as soon as possible in writing of this decision.

Likewise, you cannot be compelled to work “make up” time later in the week as a result of this early dismissal. The contract allows for simple leave without pay in these situations, and the absence cannot be counted against you for attendance purposes. If you feel that Management is pressuring you to work additional hours, please contact your Rep Jack Crow at 206-436-6614.

Finally, it appears that some impacted union members were allowed to continue working on tasks which were not directly impacted by the outage. If you were dismissed despite notifying your Manager that there was available work which you could complete, please reach out to your rep so that we can assess the situation.

If you have questions, or have additional information you would like to share, please contact your Rep Jack Crow at 206-436-6614.

Northwest Administrators out of state — out of touch

2021 0806 Northwest Administrators bargaining update.jpg

Northwest Administrators out of state — out of touch

Your Bargaining Team met with management again on Friday, July 23. Unfortunately, we were not able to reach an agreement as management continues to demand that the Union accept 0.00% wage increases for 2020 and 2021.

Management’s proposal would leave us behind the out of this world cost-of-living, which has only been accelerated by historic inflation rates. For the subsequent years management is offering only a combined 3.5% wage increase by 2023.

Management has tried to use out-of-state agreements to justify their proposal while simultaneously rejecting the Union’s Seattle area market data, which shows how out of touch with reality management proposal is. We reminded the employer that we’re bargaining in Seattle and the Union is not interested in reviewing out-of-state data.

We are meeting with the employer next on August 13.

Northwest Administrators - Bah Humbug Union Members Get Scrooged by Management; Management Proposes Lumps of Coal in their Wage Package.

At the last bargaining session with Management, our Bargaining Team was presented with a wage proposal that was funded by our own retirement money.  While Management throughout the organization received a wage increase, they are asking us to pay our own raise by reducing what they pay for our retirement contribution by 5 cents. We continue to hear that Management needs a cost neutral first year of their proposal. 

Giving raises to Management is not cost neutral and expecting us to subsidize our own wage increase is Grinchful.

Stay tuned for upcoming events we can all participate in and ask one of your Bargaining Team members on how you can get involved in winning a fair contract. If you have any questions, please contact your Union Representative Cathy Macphail @ 206-436-6584.

“Management’s proposal to us is not acceptable and we will be bringing union members together via Zoom in the New Year!”

— Bargaining Team

BARGAINING TEAM: Chris Covey, Jennifer Harris, Iva Johnson, Katrina Kromm, Lulu Morgan, Grace Tsuchikawa