We are the Union. The members of UFCW 3000 are over 50,000 members working in grocery, retail, health care, food processing, meat packing, cannabis, & other industries across Washington state, north-east Oregon, and northern Idaho. UFCW 3000 is a chartered member of UFCW International with over 1.4 million workers in North America.
If you or a coworker need help regarding an Investigatory Meeting, are facing Discipline or Corrective Action, or need to report Contract Violations. If you are experiencing one of these workplace issues, our MRC Representatives will work with you on a plan of action. When we fight together, we win! UFCW 3000 Member Resource Center: 1-866-210-3000
Food Processing and Meat Packing Union News & Updates
Our Union Bargaining Team is excited to share an update following our first Sea Wolf Bakers contract bargaining session on Tuesday, March 25! To begin negotiations, we met with the Employer and shared our initial round of non-economic proposals.
We are excited to let you know that our first bargaining date is set, and negotiations for our first contract will begin on Tuesday the 25!
As we navigate these adverse weather effects, please remember there are resources and rights through our union and through our communities that can help.
We were eagerly awaiting Washington Beef’s economic proposal, negotiating in good faith, but they didn’t consider how expensive everything is and how difficult it is to support our families and keep a roof over our heads.
Su Comité de Negociación de la Unión se reunió con la compañía para negociar de buena fe esta semana. Your Union Bargaining Committee met with the company this week to negotiate in good faith.
Six out of the Seven Bargaining Committee members had never sat at a bargaining table before, and this is only the second contract fight for the workers at Twin City Foods (TCF).
Seis de los siete miembros del Comité de Negociación nunca se habían sentado en una mesa de negociaciones antes, y esta es solo la segunda lucha contractual para los trabajadores de Twin City Foods (TCF).
We are happy to announce that the recommended tentative agreement, reached by our union bargaining committee, has been approved by an overwhelming majority of members!
¡Nos alegra anunciar que el acuerdo tentativo recomendado, alcanzado por nuestro comité de negociación de la Unión, ha sido aprobado por una mayoría de miembros!
Este martes, 10 de septiembre en Yakima, tuvimos nuestra primera negociación de contrato con nuestro empleador.
This Tuesday, September 10th in Yakima, we had our first collective bargaining session with our employer.
Our Union Bargaining Team is very proud of the hard work and unity achieved in this bargaining round. After many negotiating dates, we finally reached a tentative agreement with the company. Our bargaining committee recommends a YES vote!
We had a productive first negotiation session where we introduced our initial non-economic proposals. We worked through several other proposals and are preparing to present them at our next scheduled session next week. Our negotiating team is optimistic about achieving positive results together.
When we last talked about Unfair Labor Practice Strikes it involved nurses at a hospital. Unfair Labor Practice Strikes in other industries often look very different. Michaela talks with Macy’s retail workers who went on strike in Black Friday in 2023 and again on MLK Day 2024 about the unfair labor practices and reasons that they went on strike during their contract negotiations. She also interviews community members about why they joined the Macy’s picket lines, and reviews the differences and similarities between Macy’s and her career in healthcare. Please note that this episode has parts where both English and Spanish are spoken.
The Seattle Meatcutters Apprenticeship was established as a union-sponsored apprenticeship school on May 17, 1946 to increase the skills, abilities, and knowledge of meatcutters, which in turn led to higher wages and benefits for these highly trained workers.