Having a Union Makes a Difference

Wages: On average, union members earn about 20% more in wages than non-union workers.
Health benefits: Union members are more likely to receive quality and affordable health benefits from their employers.

Retirement security: Union members are far more likely than other workers to have a guaranteed pension.

Other benefits on the job: Union members also have more vacation days, more paid leave, and greater job security.

A voice at work: Union members get to negotiate with management—as equals—over wages, benefits, and other issues.

Representation: As a union member, you have the right to union representation during an investigation that could lead to discipline.

Fair treatment: The “just cause” provision in your union contract means that management must apply discipline in a fair and consistent manner.

Your contract: Your wages, benefits, and working conditions are spelled out in writing in a legally-binding union contract, which is bargained for and voted on by union members.

Your right to union representation

If you’re called into a meeting that you think could lead to discipline, stop! Ask for union representation. You have a right not to be alone.

I request a union representative during this meeting. If you accuse me or ask me questions I believe may lead to my discipline, I have a right not to answer those questions and will continue to ask for a union representative until you comply with my request.

Ask your steward or your Union Representative.
Visit ufcw21.org
Benefits Department: 
Call 1-800-732-1188, enter 2.
Questions about union dues: Call 1-800-732-1188 and ask for Membership Services.
Other questions: call the Union office at 1-800-732-1188.


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