PCC Bargaining Team unanimously recommends a NO Vote!

After months of negotiations, we find ourselves at a crossroads with PCC. We entered these discussions with the goal of securing a fair and competitive contract. A contract that would provide living wages, across the board wage increases that keep pace with inflation and with no cuts or takeaways from our healthcare.

Collectively we have won several TA’s (Tentative Agreements) to improve our work life, but still find ourselves far apart from PCC on wages, board of trustees and a few other items. Our bargaining team believes we shouldn’t be punished for PCC’s financial decisions, and we expect to see a wage increase that rewards our labor as essential workers. 
Now is the time to stand together and vote NO on this contract to send a strong message to PCC and bring them back to the bargaining table with the knowledge that this current offer is unacceptable! 
We will be voting on the current proposal in the next few weeks and will be notifying all members as soon as the dates are set.

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