WhidbeyHealth Medical Center - No real movement on wages!

WhidbeyHealth Medical Center
No real movement on wages!

On October 26, our Bargaining Team met with Management for our TENTH negotiation session.

Management reviewed our proposal on economics, and they disregarded our efforts to find a compromise. We are under market at the beginning steps of the wage scales to attract new talent and be safely staffed. It’s frustrating that we were only given three hours for negotiations today because of Management’s time zone conflicts.

Our next bargaining session has been pushed from November 9 to November 28 due to WhidbeyHealth’s administration conflicts.

Get involved! Let your voice be heard! Be loud and proud!

Wear your union swag, as your wages and benefits depend on your participation. Find Jennifer in the Lab or the next time our Union Rep Celia is on site on November 6 for more information.

If you have any questions about the bargaining process, please contact our Union Rep Celia @ (360) 419-4678.