PRMCE RN Emergency Bargaining Update Meeting on November 3 at 8pm

On November 3, we will be in negotiations with PRMCE. By the end of that day, we hope to either reach a mutually acceptable agreement, but in the absence of one we will be prepared to issue a 10-day strike notice. We are holding an emergency bargaining update meeting on November 3 at 8pm after negotiations with the Employer via Zoom for strike captains. The meeting is open to all nurses who wish to join us!

Join Zoom Meeting November 3 @8PM here >>

Meeting ID:814 0844 3293Passcode:000410
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,81408443293# 

Update on Strike Benefit Forms:

We previously shared that nurses need to complete a W4 form , I9 form, and share identification documents to receive Union Strike Benefits. We have now been able to simplify the process to one single W9 form! This also means the benefit will not be taxed.

To receive Union Strike Benefits, nurses will need to complete a W9 form with Union Staff. We will be providing physical forms in the Hospital with the sections highlighted that need to be completed and signed. Originals must be returned into Union staff. We will be sending out days/times staff will be at both Hospital campuses. If you already completed the W4/I9, sorry for duplication! We will need you to complete the W9 form. We apologize for the inconvenience.

November 2: Strike Paperwork @ Colby 5:30 am – 2pm and at Pavilion: 9:30 am – 2pm
November 3: Strike Paperwork @ Colby 5:30 am – 2pm and at Pavilion: 11am – 2pm