PRMCE RN Some movement but not enough!

Our third bargaining session on September 26 was both promising and frustrating. We want to keep you informed about the progress we've made, the challenges we face, and how we can continue to make a difference together.

Firstly, let's acknowledge our collective efforts, which have brought us significant headway in our discussions with Providence. We've reached tentative agreements on more than half of our proposals, and this achievement underscores the power of our unity and persistence.

However, there is still work to be done. Our core priorities revolve around ensuring patient safety through staffing language and securing competitive wage increases. Several critical items, including anniversary increase progression, staffing language, across-the-board increases/wage scale, premiums, internal equity pay, annual reviews of market wages, and recognition for years of experience, are still on the negotiation table.

Providence's recent preparation for a potential strike is a clear sign that our collective actions are making an impact. They are feeling the pressure. 

Our next bargaining sessions on October 10 and 11 offer us another opportunity to make progress. While there has been movement during our discussions, we are committed to achieving a contract which will ensure patient safety.

In addition to our negotiations, it's essential that we continue to share our stories with the community. We are actively seeking nurses who are willing to speak at community meetings and with the media to share our story, please see the meetings listed below. If you're interested in speaking at these events, please reach out to Anthony Cantu at (206) 436-6566.

Don't forget to share our podcast with your friends and family >>

For those of you who are passionate about making a difference and want to be at the forefront of positive change, consider becoming a strike captain. Your involvement could have a lasting impact on our profession and the quality of care we provide.

Sign up for this role on our strike pledge page >>

As we move forward, remember that our determination remains unwavering. It's our unity and resolve that will lead us to victory. Let's maintain our momentum, support one another, and ensure that our voices are heard. Together, we can win a contract which will benefit nurses and our patients!

​In solidarity,

PRMCE RN Bargaining Team:
Trevor Gjendem, Juan Stout, Carrie Rimel, Kelli Johnson, Stephanie Sausman, Julie Bynum, Kristen Crowder

Also, mark your calendars for our upcoming strike captain meeting on October 3 at 8pm via Zoom and in-person at the Everett Labor Temple >>

Important Dates to Remember:

  • October 30, 2023 - Contract Expires!

  • October 16 - Meeting with Legislatures

  • October 11 - Meeting with Trades Union

  • October 10 and 11 - Negotiations with PRMCE