Central Washington Hospital Bargaining Update

After two full days of bargaining, our Bargaining Team has given a complete comprehensive proposal including economic and non-economics. We've made positive progress and secured some non-economic tentative agreements. We're having lots of constructive conversations and look forward to our upcoming bargaining sessions on July 9 & 10.

“After five other contract negotiations I feel supported by our Union and heard by our Employer. So far, this has been a positive experience!” —Monica Meloy, Steward & bargaining team member

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” —Albert Einstein

If you have a new coworker or know someone who is not a member in good standing have them fill out a membership application. If you have questions you can talk to a Bargaining Team member or our union Rep. Amy Radcliff at 509-340-7370.

Now is the time to show we are untied. Make sure you have completed a membership application >>