Hood Famous Bake Shop Wage Scale Unanimously Approved

Hood Famous Bake Shop

Wage Scale Unanimously Approved!

We are excited to announce that members at Hood Famous unanimously voted to approve the proposed changes to their contract, including the addition of a new wage scale! If you have any questions, or would like to have a copy of the approved changes, please reach out to Union Representative Heather Elliott at 206-436-6591

Sign up for a steward training!

Every department needs strong Stewards – both right now and between negotiations. In Steward training, you will learn your rights and protections and how to push back against unfair practices by management. You will also learn how to represent a coworker in a disciplinary meeting and uphold your contract.

Sign up for a training at ufcw21.org/steward-training

Hood Famous Vote Notice - Tentative Agreement Reached on Wage Scale

Your Bargaining Team has reached a tentative agreement with Management on the implementation of a wage scale at Hood Famous!

Wage Scale Placement: Current employees will be placed on the wage scale based on their years of service with Hood Famous, minus the 6 months the workplace was closed in 2020, if you were an employee during that time.

  • The Employer can always pay above and beyond the requirements of the wage scale. The proposed wage scale only determines the minimum that the Employer must pay an employee based on their service with the company.

Lead Premium: Any employee who is assigned a lead position shall receive an additional $1.00/hr premium on top of their regular rate of pay.

Certification Premium: Any employee who holds a Culinary Degree shall receive an additional $1.00/hr premium on top of their regular rate of pay.

Tips: Tipping will continue to be accepted in addition to the proposed wage scale! If the Employer decides to prohibit tips, they will be required to bargain the effects of the change and a new wage scale would need to be developed.

Service Charge: In the event the Employer decides to implement a service charge, employees will be entitled to at least 50% of the money collected, split between employees in accordance with the current tip policy. The Employer would also be required to display notices at the counter and on menus outlining the percentage of the service charge that goes to employees.

Recognition for Past Experience: New hires who have at least 4 years of experience in the industry (within the last six years) shall be start at Step 3 of the wage scale.

A wage scale in one of the most important parts of any contract, ensuring fair and equitable wages for all bargaining unit employees. A wage scale establishes a minimum wage and guaranteed raises that management cannot deny an employee for any reason, minimizing the impact of favoritism or biases in the workplace.

However, the proposed changes to your contract must be approved by a vote of UFCW 21 membership at Hood Famous before they can be implemented. Due to COVID-19, we will be voting these changes online via a service called “Simply Voting” on Thursday January 6 @ 6AM - 8PM. You will be receiving an email from UFCW 21 via “SimplyVoting” with your unique login information at 6:00AM on the day of the vote.

In order to vote you must be a UFCW 21 member in good standing. We also need an updated email address, so if you did not receive this announcement via email, please update your contact information at:


If you do not receive an email to vote on Thursday, January 6, then please reach out to Union Rep Heather Elliott @ 206-436-6591 no later than 5PM on the day of the vote to provide an updated email address.

Join our virtual meeting the night before the vote to answer any questions you have regarding the proposed changes!

Wednesday, January 5 • 6:00 PM
Contact your Bargaining Team or Union Rep for meeting details. Details will also be emailed.

Hood Famous Bakeshop - Contract Vote Scheduled

2021 0415 Hood Famous Bargaining Update (web).png

Contract Vote Scheduled

As mentioned a few weeks ago, our Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with Chera & Geo on the first Hood Famous Bakeshop contract. Now the only thing left to do is to hold a contract ratification vote.

We have been working on the vote details and are finally ready to announce that a contract vote has been scheduled for Friday, April 30. This vote will be held in-person at our Seattle Office with strict COVID-19 precautions in place.

Hood Famous Contract Vote
Friday, April 30
8 AM - 10 AM
4 PM - 6 PM

5030 1st Ave South
Seattle, WA 98134

When at the vote meeting, you shall be given a full copy of the proposed contract with Union staff available to answer any of your questions. You will be given as much time as necessary to review the documents so long as you arrive by the designated polling times. Anyone who arrives outside of the designated polling times shall not be permitted to enter the vote meeting.

The face mask requirement, capacity limits, and social distancing will be strictly enforced, including those who have been vaccinated.

Hood Famous Bakeshop - “We are excited to continue negotiations for our first contract. Motivated to fight for a fair and equitable workplace!”

2020 0717 - Hood Famous.jpg

Your Bargaining Team met with Chera & Geo again yesterday, July 16, to receive their counter to our initial proposals. While many issues remain, we were happy with the progress made and, most importantly, the Employer’s willingness to show movement in their proposal.

We were appreciative of the fact that the Employer responded to nearly all our proposals and, for those issues they did not, we had very productive conversations on how to move forward. However, we will need to respond with some edits from their proposals and, honestly, we haven’t started with the more contentious economic issues.

The Bargaining Team did not have time to submit counter proposals and would love to hear from you about how we should respond! We’d like to invite you to our virtual Contract Action Team meeting next Tuesday, July 21 @ 5pm to discuss negotiations and next steps!

Hood Famous CAT Meeting
Tuesday, July 21
5:00 PM via Zoom

Hood Famous Bakeshop Update Bargaining Begins

The bargaining team met with Chera and Geo for the first time on June 2 and begin negotiations for your first collective bargaining agreement. Based on the bargaining survey results, our discussions during the proposal meeting on May 4, and reviewing other local contracts, the team was able to submit our first proposal to the employer.

While this proposal was not comprehensive, and didn’t include our economic concerns, we did lay the foundations of a good contract and addressed the following:

Establishment of a Labor Management Committee, Discipline and Discharge, Holidays (scheduling & pay), Event and New Product Announcements, Harassment/Discrimination, Seniority & Layoffs, Leave of Absences, Transparent Job Postings, Grievance Procedure.

We are still reviewing the concerns brought to our attention during the proposal meeting, both economic & non-economic, and are crafting proposals that we hope to pass to the employer soon.

Please join us for our Contract Action Team (CAT) meeting on Tuesday, June 23 at 5pm! At this meeting we will provide a detailed update on the status of negotiations, get direct member feedback on current and forthcoming proposals, and answer any questions you may have. For details on how to RSVP call your Union Representative, Ariana Davis (206) 436-6586