MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office, & Technical CONTRACT RATIFIED!
/Our Union Bargaining Team: Beatrix Sales, CS Tech; Julie Hinchcliff, HUC/Monitor Tech; Lindsey Moorhead, Cath Lab Tech
After a series of highly attended vote meetings on Thursday, December 5, our Bargaining Team at MultiCare Capital Medical Center are thrilled to announce that our 2024 contract has been overwhelmingly supported by our Service, Office, & Technical union coworkers!
So what are the next steps?
While we are awaiting our new wages and premiums to go into effect, the Employer and our Union will review and format the new contract. Once finalized, it will be made available online & distributed throughout the hospital!
Reach out to our Union Representative Kim Starkweather if you have questions about the contract, wages, or need representation.
“We are so proud of the work we’ve done together, and we look forward to continuing our efforts through enforcing our new contract!” —Capital Medical Center Union Bargaining Team