Zenith American Solutions Labor Management Committee: Call for Nominations

Labor Management Committee: Call for Nominations

With ournew contract ratified, Zenith has agreed to begin holding quarterly Labor/Management Committee (LMC) Meetings. These meetings are an opportunity for workers to meet with management on a regular basis to discuss workplace issues, raise concerns, and problem solve in a forum separate from contract negotiations or the grievance process.
Per our contract, we may have up to 5 members on the LMC, and now is your opportunity to nominate yourself or a coworker serve on the committee. This is an excellent opportunity to become more involved with your union and work to create positive change for your coworkers.To make a nomination please fill out the form.

Nominate yourself or a co-worker here >>

Nominations will be accepted until 8:00am Monday, July 29, and our first LMC meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 14 at 10:30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to your rep, Jack Crow at 206-436-6614.