Providence St. Peter Hospital Professionals Annual Merit Increases & Status-Quo

Our Union Bargaining Team (L-R): Jacob Kostecka, PACU RN; Ashley McBride, L&D RN; Haley Sweet, Neurology RN; Mike Staley, SADU RN; Darlett Holm, SADU West RN; Mary Bloomberg, Surgical Acute RN; Melanie Oakes, ED RN; Grace Kraege, ED RN; Julia Douglas, Sepsis RN; Kelly Williams, Inpatient Psychiatry RN; Andy Dusablon, PACU RN

On Monday, March 17 our union bargaining team for the RNs at St. Peter Hospital met with Providence to kick-off 2025 negotiations. To start our day, we focused primarily on the “non-economic” sections of our contract, encompassing Articles which don’t directly relate to wages, premiums, or benefits, and presented management with our initial proposals on items like:

  1. SAFETY: Proposed improvements related to worksite security & safety in our parking lots, and a process for establishing stronger committees designed to evaluate safety concerns and collaborate on solutions.

  2. PARKING: Maintaining on-site parking at no cost to employees, which is now guaranteed in nearly every Tacoma area hospital’s Union contract.

  3. UNION ACCESS: Enhancing the language in our contract that allows our Union Representatives to meet with new hires and engage with nurses on the worksite.

  4. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: A thorough set of proposals aimed at promoting diversity and equity in the workplace.  

Our Union Bargaining Team believes that advocating for language in our union contract that prioritizes the safety of healthcare workers while promoting and protecting the diversity of our workforce is essential. This ensures that all employees, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs, are supported and valued. Additionally, we believe these proposals are directly linked to addressing staffing challenges; when individuals feel secure and protected in their workplace, they are more likely to remain at Providence St. Peter Hospital, reducing turnover.
Our first day with Providence extended into the evening hours of March 17 with both parties exchanging proposals until the conference venue said we had overstayed our welcome and needed to leave. While a long first day of bargaining is unconventional, it’s a promising start to the contract cycle and sets an encouraging tone for the negotiations ahead. We look forward to continuing our discussions with Providence and are committed to working together to ensure that St. Peter Hospital remains a safe and supportive environment for both nurses and patients.

Take Action!

Washington State Labor Council – Olympia, Suite #300, 906 Columbia St. SW. Olympia WA, 98501

Sign the strike pledge card: We need to show Providence we’re ready to do what it takes to get what we deserve. Sign the strike pledge card or ask a fellow member to sign it if they haven’t already.
Step up! We need department leaders to keep members engaged in the fight. providence united — UFCW 3000   
"We are excited to have our first bargaining day behind us. Our team is motivated and energized. Together, we can face difficult challenges. United, we can accomplish great things." -Jacob Kostecka; PACU RN

Meet our Union Bargaining Team!
click image to see bio!