Providence St. Peter Hospital Professionals Annual Merit Increases & Status-Quo

Providence St. Peter Hospital Professionals Annual Merit Increases & Status-Quo

Providence recently informed our Union that, as is customary during this time of year, they would like to offer annual merit-based wage increases to PSPH professional employees. Our Union fully supports wage increases for our members and would be happy to discuss a process for wage increases before we begin contract negotiations, but it is important  to ensure that any raises are distributed fairly and equitably to all workers.

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Providence St. Peter Hospital Professionals Annual Merit Increases & Status-Quo

Providence St. Peter Hospital Professionals Annual Merit Increases & Status-Quo

On Monday, March 17 our union bargaining team for the RNs at St. Peter Hospital met with Providence to kick-off 2025 negotiations. To start our day, we focused primarily on the “non-economic” sections of our contract, encompassing Articles which don’t directly relate to wages, premiums, or benefits, and presented management with our initial proposals on items like

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Providence St. Peter Technical - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

Providence St. Peter Technical - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

After over 3 months of negotiations, our bargaining team has reached a recommended tentative agreement on a new contract.

Our Contract Ratification Vote will be held October 28, 2024, at the Hampton Inn, between 6:30 AM – 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

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Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech Building on our Foundation!

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech Building on our Foundation!

On September 15, 2024, we had our third bargaining date with Providence. We are continuing to build momentum to secure strong contracts for all in the bargaining unit. All proposals are on the table including compensation. We have several tentative agreements currently. We are looking forward to our next two sessions on October 8 and 15, 2024.

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Providence St. Peter Technical Make your Voices Heard

Providence St. Peter Technical Make your Voices Heard

On September 4, 2024, we had our second bargaining date with Providence for our contact. We made progress today with several tentative agreements. We had clarifying conversations with Providence on topics that will help us move forward for our next sessions, which include exploring options on retirement plans, the Aetna network change, and our insurance premiums. Our next bargaining dates are September 18 and October 8.

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Providence St. Peter Technical - Positive Steps

Providence St. Peter Technical - Positive Steps

Last week on August 14, we had our first bargaining date with Providence for our contract. Both sides came to the table prepared and we had deep discussions with management on many topics including retention and recruitment, new employee orientation, training and precepting, equity and nondiscrimination in the workplace, and how we can build trust between the Hospital and caregivers. Our next bargaining dates are September 4 and 18. On these dates we will be discussing the changes to the Aetna health care network along with other economic proposals.

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Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech - Bargaining Kick-Off

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech - Bargaining Kick-Off

In 2020 we organized our Union to address wage inequity, safety, and respect on the job... and stood together with our coworkers to win a strong first Union contract in 2021. We did this through our collective action and were able to achieve a wage scale, annual wage increases, benefits, job protections, and a solid base to build on in the future.

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Providence Meal Waiver and Shift Length Changes

UFCW 3000 has filed an unfair labor practice charge against all Providence hospitals for implementing shift length changes and not bargaining to an impasse with us over the meal waiver. Additionally, we have filed grievances since Providence changed work schedules without the caregivers' consent and have not been paying members for missed or late second meal periods.

Given Providence's decision to proceed with extending shift lengths, we advise 10-hour and 12-hour shift workers to carefully consider their options. You may choose to accept an extended shift with two meal periods or opt to waive the second meal period and retain your current shift length. If you opt to waive the second meal period, you retain the right to revoke this decision at any time through your core leader. However, we strongly advise against waiving the timing of your meal period, as you are entitled to 30 minutes of pay for late meal periods.

*"Question 1) I am voluntarily requesting to waive my second unpaid meal period if I am entitled to one." *

Recommendation: ACCEPT means your shift length will remain the same or DECLINE means your shift will be extended, and you will receive two meal periods as a 10-hour and 12-hour shift worker.

*"Question 2) I am voluntarily requesting to take my unpaid meal periods at a time that may not be within a two-to-five-hour block of work." *

Recommendation: DECLINE means if your meal period is not within the two-to-five-hour block, then you should receive 30 minutes of pay. You can file a complaint with L&I if you are not paid accordingly.

>> Track your late meal periods here!

>> If you feel that you have been coerced into signing the meal waiver by Providence, we strongly encourage you to file a complaint with L&I.

Providence St. Peter Hospital RN - Grievance Update

Providence St. Peter Hospital RN - Grievance Update

Being a union member at PSPH means that we have a stronger voice and the right to collectively bargain with our employer.

Through the bargaining process, our members have fought to improve our workplaces by bargaining for strong benefits, better pay, and robust safety procedures. We also have the right to make our voices heard and build power by organizing around workplace issues, organizing non-union workers into our union, and participating together in community and political actions, such as advocating for safer staffing through legislation and in our contract. Over the past several months, PSPH has allegedly violated our contract in a number of ways. Below is a summary of the grievances we have filed against these violations. If you have any additional questions or have been affected by one of these violations, contact the MRC at (866) 210-3000.

PSPH RN et al. Work on Day Off Premiums

Filed November 9, 2023 Step 1 Meeting: March 21, 2024

In 2022, our union bargaining team negotiated improvements to the Incentive Shift Letter of Understanding (LOU) and moved that LOU into the body of the PSPH RN Contract as Article 9.16. Those improvements included immediate access to time and a half pay or double time, dependent on RN’s FTE, for picking up an extra shift. This change was implemented to further incentivize picking up extra shifts and protecting RNs from loss of all premium pay in the event the RN missed a shift due to illness.

This was a huge win.

Recently, members noticed that the new Work On Day Off language is being challenged both directly and through timekeeping errors. We have discovered that time and a half pay and double-time pay (OT/DT) are subject to additional approval by Kronos timekeepers and that this has led to multiple errors resulting in RNs getting paid less than the contractual rate. This includes the appropriate rate of pay based on FTE worked being erroneously denied due to illness and additional premiums such as Charge, Preceptor, Certification Pay, and Overtime or Double Time rates not being included as an RN’s regular rate of pay as established in the contract.

A group grievance has been filed on behalf of all PSPH RNs to ensure that Providence follows the contract and compensates RNs for any and all lost wages and premiums. We are currently working to set grievance meeting dates.

PSPH RN et al Work on Day Off Shift Requests

Filed December 21, 2023 Step 1: TBD

When our union bargaining team negotiated changes to the Incentive Shift LOU in 2022, one of the most important changes was the removal of the bidding process. On the 21st day of the scheduling period, FTE RNs are able to select open shifts according to the language in the CBA. The goal was for us to remove the chaos of the “bidding” process that accompanied the original Incentive Shift LOU. We believe the new language changed that.

Nurses noticed that we were not being notified timely if approved for the extra shifts as selected. Instead, the Employer has reverted to the previous practice, and we believe they are “screening” shift selections for the “cheapest” RN requesting the shift. If this is true, it would be a violation of our union contract and in direct contradiction of the conversations the PSPH RN bargaining team had with management during contract negotiations in 2022.

We have filed a grievance demanding that PSPH honor the language they agreed to in bargaining and immediately ensure that requesting or selecting extra shifts will be based on a first-come, first-serve basis as intended. Meeting dates have been requested, and we will report back with news and updates.

PSPH RN et al Team Leader Pay

Filed November 2, 2023. Step 1 TBD

RNs in several units noticed they were being offered “Team Leader Pay” premiums for assuming partial Charge RN or precepting duties. This premium is not in the CBA and has not been negotiated with the Union.

Our Union filed a grievance not only to stop this practice and to ensure the Employer follows its own policies regarding appointed assignments. The Employer ceased the practice once the grievance was filed, but we have requested to meet in order to address concerns that Charge duties are being assigned piecemeal to multiple RNs to avoid paying Charge Premium. We are also exploring filing an Unfair Labor Practice charge for creating a new premium without first negotiating with us.

If you believe your unit is also being affected, please contact your union representative Madison Derksema or MRC directly with concerns. We are committed to holding the Employer accountable and ensuring RNs are paid the correct premium pay!

PSPH RN West SADU Mandatory OT

Filed January 23, 2024 Step 1/Bargaining Date TBD

RNs working in Surgery West have been notified they will be “scheduled late” on a rotational basis in violation of the Washington State RCW regarding Mandatory Overtime.

Our Union filed a grievance on behalf of impacted RNs and have issued a demand to bargain over scheduling changes and implementing call in accordance with the CBA.

We have requested bargaining dates from the employer and will work to keep you all updated as we work through this process.

As all of the grievances above progress updates will be sent including information on the grievance meetings, next steps, and any potential resolution. In the meantime, please contact your union representative Madison Derksema or MRC directly with issues or concerns.

Providence Meal Waiver and Shift Length Changes

In December 2023, Providence issued a meal waiver to all members of the UFCW 3000 bargaining unit. As union members, we have the collective right to negotiate over the terms of this waiver. Earlier this year, we engaged in negotiations with Providence regarding the meal waiver language. Despite our reasonable proposal, Providence rejected our language. Furthermore, we informed Providence that, based on past practices and contractual agreements, they were not permitted to alter shift lengths.

However, in February 2024, Providence began informing members of their intention to implement changes to shift lengths. We believe Providence is sidestepping the bargaining process by unilaterally implementing these changes and acting in bad faith. Consequently, we are initiating unfair labor practice proceedings against Providence. We have issued a cease-and-desist letter to Providence and are demanding to return to the bargaining table to resolve this matter.

Given Providence's decision to proceed with extending shift lengths, we advise 10-hour and 12-hour shift workers to carefully consider their options. You may choose to accept an extended shift with two meal periods or opt to waive the second meal period and retain your current shift length. If you opt to waive the second meal period, you retain the right to revoke this decision at any time through your core leader.

However, we strongly advise against waiving the timing of your meal period, as you are entitled to 30 minutes of pay for late meal periods.

Question 1: I am voluntarily requesting to waive my second unpaid meal period if I am entitled to one.

means your shift length will remain the same.
DECLINE means your shift will be extended and you will receive two meal periods as a 10 hour and 12-hour shift worker.

Question 2: I am voluntarily requesting to take my unpaid meal periods at a time that may not be within hours two through five-hour block of work.

DECLINE means if your meal period is not within the two-to-five-hour block then you should receive 30 minutes of pay. You can file a complaint with L&I if you are not paid accordingly.

Track your late meal periods here >>

Providence St. Peter Case Manager RNs MOU Ratified!

On Friday, February 23, a supermajority of Case Manager RNs voted to ratify our Memorandum of Understanding. This historic win, after nearly a year of bargaining, places us into the larger body of the Union bargaining unit with 1,100 other RNs at Providence St. Peter. It also assures us of the protections of all the provisions of the Union contract.

We want to thank our co-workers for standing in solidarity with us through what was a much lengthier process than we anticipated. If there are any questions, please reach out to Union Steward Mary Briles or call Union Representative Madison Derksema at (206) 436-6603.

Our Union Bargaining Team (left to right): Mary Briles, Case Manager; Melissa Macchiarella, Case Manager; [not pictured]: Alison Studeman, Case Manager

Providence St. Peter Case Manager RNs - Tentative Agreement Reached - Our RN Bargaining Team fully recommends a YES vote

Providence St. Peter Case Manager RNs
Tentative Agreement Reached
Our RN Bargaining Team fully recommends a YES vote

Our Bargaining Team (L–R): Alison Studeman, Case Manager; Melissa Macchiarella, Case Manager; Mary Briles, Case Manager

“This tentative agreement will set a precedent for recognition of all types of previous nursing experience in the upcoming 2025 contract bargain in addition to placing Case Managers on the union wage scale now.”—Mary Briles, Case Manager RN

On February 15, our Union Bargaining Team met with Management, and after nearly a year of bargaining reached a tentative agreement!

We were able to win all provisions of the current nursing contract for all RN Case Managers. We fought tirelessly to be placed onto the existing RN wage scale for UFCW 3000 members. We were able to get Management to agree to recognize all years of nursing experience, including all subacute areas of nursing practice.

We will be holding the ratification vote on Friday, February 23. In order to vote you will need to fill out a union membership application at the vote.

Contract vote details
Friday, February 23 @ 11am—2pm
Providence St. Peter Hospital, Nisqually Conference Room

Directions to the Nisqually Conference Room:

  • Upon entering the main entrance of the hospital, head right and travel past the information desk until you see the “Main Elevators” wall. You will have passed Starbucks on your left hand side.

  • Take the “Main” elevator to Floor 2 (Café Level).

  • Exit left off the elevator on the 2nd Floor. Turn right at the entrance to Cabrini’s (Café). Continue on this main corridor, through the cafeteria, off to the left, then right and go down the hall until you can turn right, then take the first left, then go right past the Lab and the Nisqually Room is at the end of the hallway.

Know your Rights! Providence Meal Waiver

UFCW 3000 is working with Providence to address the Meal Waiver situation. We consider the language in the meal waiver to be a direct negotiation with employees since Providence is asking you to waive rights outlined in our contracts. We want to ensure that you receive appropriate compensation for missed or late meal periods and that your contract is not negatively impacted.

For shifts of 11 hours or more: If your shift length is 11 hours or more, you are entitled to two 30-minute meal periods. If you are currently only receiving one 30-minute meal period and have not waived your second meal period, you may be entitled to compensation. Additionally, the employer may extend your shift based on the language in the CBA and past practices in order to accommodate your second meal period.

It is your right to waive the second meal period, but you may miss out on overtime pay for missing your second meal period if you choose to waive it. While we recommend not waiving your second meal period, the decision to do so is ultimately yours.

We will be holding a Zoom meeting on Monday, February 5, from 6 - 7 pm for all Providence members to ask questions about the meal waiver. Join the meeting at that time by clicking here:

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please reach out to your union rep:

  • Anthony Cantu (Providence Everett RNs): 206-436-6566

  • Jack Crow (Providence Everett Pros and Techs): 206-436-6614

  • Madison Derksema (Providence St. Peter, Providence Radiant Care, and Providence Centralia): 206-436-6603

  • Lenaya Wilhelm (Providence Holy Family and Sacred Heart): 509-340-7369

  • Juanita Quezada (Providence Sacred Heart Techs and Providence St. Mary): 509-340-7407

  • Amy Radcliff (Providence Mt. Carmel and St. Joseph): 509-340-7370

Health Care Rest Breaks & Meal Periods: Know Your Rights and Your Contract

Shift Length Rest Breaks Meal Period
4-5 hour shift 10 min* x1 0
8-hour shift 10 min* x2 30 min x1
10-hour shift 10 min* x2 30 min x1
12-hour shift 10 min* x3 30 min x2
16-hour shift 10 min* x4 30 min x2

*10 minutes is the WA State minimum. If your contract bargaining agreement (CBA) states 15 minutes, you should receive 15-minute rest breaks

  • You must receive a paid rest break for every four (4) hours worked.

  • You cannot waive your right to a rest break.

Meal Period: Your right to a meal period

A meal period cannot be substituted for breaks: Any employee who works more than four (4) hours gets their breaks as outlined above, and any scheduled meal period.

You are entitled to a 30-minute uninterrupted meal period when working more than five hours. The first meal period must be between the second and fifth hour worked. If you work 11 hours or more during the day, you must receive a second meal period no later than five (5) hours after the end of your first meal period.

Interrupted Mealtime: If you are required to stay on duty during a meal break you are still entitled to 30 total minutes of mealtime, excluding interruptions, plus 30 minutes of pay. Time spent performing the work task is not considered part of the meal period. The entire meal period must be paid no matter the number of interruptions. For example, if you received a 30-minute meal break but had to answer your work phone throughout then you should be paid 30 minutes for your meal period and receive a total of 30 minutes (non-consecutive) mealtime. 

Late Mealtime: If you are not given time to have a 30-minute mealtime, you must be paid for your time worked plus 30 minutes. Paying employees 30 minutes for the meal period does not absolve the employer’s responsibility to give you a late 30-minute unpaid mealtime when practicable.

The above is a general guideline to meal periods and rest breaks. For more in-depth information please contact your union representative OR download the Health Care Guide to Meal and Rest Breaks >>

Relevant Laws:

Providence Meal Waiver Update

In December 2023, Providence sent out a meal waiver to all UFCW 3000 represented employees. Providence is seeking to get employees to waive the timing of their first and second meal period, and waive their right to a second meal period if they are a 10 hour or 12 hour shift employee. Per the collective bargaining agreements, meal breaks should be administered per WA state law WAC 296-126-092  andRCW 49.12.480

RCW 49.12.480

  • 8 hour shift employee- 2 paid rest breaks and one unpaid 30 minute meal period for every 5 hours worked with the first unpaid meal break between the second and fifth hour of the shift

  • 10 hour shift employee- 2 paid rest breaks and one unpaid 30 minute meal period for every 5 hours worked with the first unpaid meal break between the second and fifth hour of the shift 

  • 12 hour shift employee- 3 paid rest breaks and one unpaid 30 minute meal period for every 5 hours worked with the first unpaid meal break between the second and fifth hour of the shift

If you do not receive your meal period or receive a late meal period, you are supposed to be paid 30 minutes for every missed meal period. If you believe you have not been paid appropriately, please contact your union representative.

UFCW 3000 is recommending that you deny Providence’s request to both questionson the meal waiver. Our position is that Providence cannot change the timing of the meal period without bargaining over this issue and by waiving your right to a second meal period you may be losing out on overtime pay.

We have demanded that Providence remove the timing question from the meal waiver and bargain with us over the confusing language in the meal waiver. We have not heard back from Providence but expect an answer this week.

Our recommendation is that you respond in the following way:

  1. Question 1: I am voluntarily requesting to waive my second unpaid meal period if I am entitled to one. DECLINE

  2. Question 2: I am voluntarily requesting to take my first and second (if applicable/not waived) unpaid meal period at a time that is different than between hours two through five of my work periods. DECLINE

If you have any questions, please reach out to your union rep: Anthony Cantu (Providence Everett RNs), Jack Crow (Providence Everett Pros and Techs), Madison Derksema (Providence St. Peter, Providence Radiant Care and Providence Centralia), Lenaya Wilhelm (Providence Holy Family and Sacred Heart), Juanita Quezada (Sacred Heart Tech), Amy Radcliff (Mt Carmel RN and St. Joes).

Providence St. Peter Hospital RN - Case Manager Rns Bargaining Update!

Our bargaining team met with management on Tuesday, December 12. While we have not come to a tentative agreement, we have made it clear, and management has grasped, that we have no interest in a wage scale that is different (and economically worse) than the existing RN scale. At this point, management has not agreed to any retroactive pay, and we still have not reached a consensus on where our years of experience would place us on the wage scale.

We appreciate the supermajority of our coworkers signing strike pledge cards! We will be holding another Contract Action Team meeting to discuss next steps and get your input. This will be held at the Olympia Center, located at 222 Columbia St. NW, Olympia, WA, 98501, on January 4 at 5:00 PM in Room 101.

Please reach out to us or Union Representative Brandan Zielinski (206 436 6603) with any questions.

Bargaining Team, left to right: Alison Studeman, Case Manager RN; Melissa Macchiarella, Case Manager RN; Mary Briles, Case Manager RN.

Providence St. Peter Hospital - Physical Therapy Assistant and Occupational Therapist Assistant - Memorandum of Agreement Ratified!

Providence St. Peter Hospital - Physical Therapy Assistant and Occupational Therapist Assistant
Memorandum of Agreement Ratified!

Our union Bargaining Team is happy to announce our tentatively agreed memorandum of understanding (MOU) that brings us into the UFCW 3000 Professional and Technical collective bargaining agreement (CBA) was ratified by a vote of our members on Tuesday, December 5.

New wages and step placement will have an effective date of December 17, 2023. Members will see the pay changes on their January 5, 2024, paycheck. All working conditions and benefits not mentioned specifically in the M.O.U. are now covered by the UFCW 3000/Providence St. Peter Hospital Collective Bargaining Agreement for professional and technical workers.

QUESTIONS? Reach out to our Bargaining Team members or call Union Rep Brandan Zielinski @ 206-436-6603.

Our Providence St. Peter Bargaining Team: Cynthia Miner, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant; Heidi Ranger-Geh, Physical Therapy Assistant

Providence St. Peter Hospital (PTAs/COTAs)

Providence St. Peter Hospital (PTAs / COTAs)
Memorandum of agreement ratification vote

Our union Bargaining Team is happy to announce our tentatively agreed Memorandum of Understanding that brings us into the UFCW 3000 Professional and Technical Collective Bargaining Agreement will be ratified by a vote of our members.

We are strongly recommending a “YES” vote so that we can join our Union siblings in the existing bargaining unit! Please join us in the Nisqually conference room at the above time to review the M.O.U. and cast your vote.

Join your coworkers and vote “YES” the new agreement!

Tuesday, December 5

Providence St. Peter Hospital—Nisqually conference room

Directions to the Nisqually conference room:

Upon entering the main entrance of the hospital, head right and travel past the information desk until you see the “Main Elevators” wall. You will have passed Starbucks on your left hand side.

Take the “Main” elevator to Floor 2 (Café Level).

Exit left off the elevator on the 2nd Floor. Turn right at the entrance to Cabrini’s (Café). Continue on this main corridor, through the cafeteria, off to the left, then right and go down the hall until you can turn right, then take the first left, then go right past the Lab and the Nisqually Room is at the end of the hallway.

Please speak with our Bargaining Team members or call Union Rep Brandan Zielinski @ 206-436-6603 if you have any questions.

Bargaining Team Members: Cynthia Miner, Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant; Heidi Ranger-Geh, Physical Therapy Assistant