Providence St. Peter Hospital Professionals Annual Merit Increases & Status-Quo

Providence recently informed our Union that, as is customary during this time of year, they would like to offer annual merit-based wage increases to PSPH professional employees. Our Union fully supports wage increases for our members and would be happy to discuss a process for wage increases before we begin contract negotiations, but it is important  to ensure that any raises are distributed fairly and equitably to all workers.
The notice we received from the Employer lacks specific detail on how these merit increases are determined, and who will be eligible for them. Given the lack of clarity, we have reached out to management to schedule a meeting and discuss the matter further. We believe it is important to address how any changes implemented before formal negotiations may impact the overall bargaining process. We then hope management will work with our bargaining team to negotiate an agreement that will implement fair and equitable wage increases prior to full contract negotiations.
As we eagerly await a response from Providence, join us for a drop-in contract audit via ZOOM this evening, where we will discuss the Employer’s merit-based wage increases and any potential impact they could have on the bargaining process, as well as review priorities to prepare for full-contract negotiations!

DROP-IN UNION CONTRACT AUDIT: Thursday, March 20 from 6:30PM – 7:30PM

Drop-in Audit Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 824 3886 3273 Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782

Take Action!

Sign the strike pledge card: We need to show Providence we’re ready to do what it takes to get what we deserve. Sign the strike pledge card or ask a fellow member to sign it if they haven’t already.
Step up! We need department leaders to keep members engaged in the fight. providence united — UFCW 3000   
Stay informed! Bookmark our Providence United landing page for the most recent bargaining updates, action items, and Contract Action Team meeting information
Organize, organize, organize: Know a worker who wants to join a union? Send them here.