Providence Regional Medical Center Everett Professionals Bargaining Continues!

Our Union Bargaining Team [L-R]: Sara Dillon; Sr. Discharge Planner (Case Manager); Holly Gramse; Physical Therapist; (not pictured) Taylor Widener, Sr. Dietician

“It was clear the employer didn’t do their homework on the Case Management MOU—their expectations are completely out of touch with reality.” -Holly Gramse, Physical Therapist and member of our Union Bargaining Team.
On Friday, March 21, our union bargaining team for the Professionals at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE) met with management once again to continue contract negotiations.
We did make some progress, including our first substantive tentative agreement regarding holiday substitutions! Under the new language, employees would be able to swap a contractual holiday for one that holds more personal significance, either taking the day off or getting overtime if required to work.
But we still have a long way to go. Too many of the employer’s counterproposals either rejected our proposals outright or simply pointed to existing policies instead of making real improvements. Here were some of management’s responses:

  • Free Parking: REJECTED

  • Severance Pay: REJECTED

  • Inclement Weather: “The Employer will follow it’s inclement weather procedures.”

  • Workplace Safety: REJECTED our detailed, actionable safety plan. Instead, they proposed vague language about maintaining a safe environment and suggested the safety committee could review their workplace violence prevention plan—without committing to real changes.

  • Grievance Timelines: The employer wants to pause back pay liability to employees if a grievance moves into mediation.

Then came the employer’s final proposal of the day: their response to our concerns over Case Manager reclassifications and new licensure requirements. Our team had asked for reasonable timelines, financial support, scheduling flexibility, and proper training to help employees meet the new requirements.
Unfortunately, the employer’s response failed to adequately address these concerns. Instead of meaningful support, they mostly pointed to existing policies, including the $5,250 annual tuition assistance, which falls far short of covering the costs many employees will face trying to meet management’s expectations. Worse yet, their proposal contradicted prior assurances from department management—most notably, there was no mention of grandparenting current employees, despite promises made when these changes were first announced.
Our Bargaining Team did not hold back our disappointment with their proposal, and we will respond with a counter proposal at our next bargaining date with PRMCE on Tuesday April 8.


Hybrid In-Person / Zoom and at the Teamsters Local 38 Union Hall
2601 Everett Ave, Everett, WA 982012601 Everett Ave

Take Action

Sign the strike pledge card: We need to show Providence we’re ready to do what it takes to get what we deserve. Sign the strike pledge card or ask a fellow member to sign it if they haven’t already.
Step up! We need department leaders to keep members engaged in the fight. providence united — UFCW 3000   
Organize, organize, organize: Know a worker who wants to join a union? Send them here.