MultiCare Mary Bridge RNs Bargaining cancelled - collective action scheduled

MultiCare Mary Bridge RNs Bargaining cancelled - collective action scheduled

Following negotiations with MultiCare at our previous bargaining session on December 15, our Mary Bridge RN Bargaining Team was looking forward to getting back to the table on January 7 to continue our work on achieving a 2025 successor union contract. Unfortunately, Tuesday session was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. 

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center TENTATIVE AGREEMENT REACHED!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center TENTATIVE AGREEMENT REACHED!

With these priorities in mind, our team went to work—fighting to secure a strong, competitive contract for the Service, Office, and Technical workers at MultiCare Capital Medical Center. We believe the result is a contract that will stand the test of time and keep us competitive for years to come.

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Now That’s What we Call Bargaining!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center  Service, Office and Technical Now That’s What we Call Bargaining!

At the end of our second session on the Friday, we’re feeling optimistic about the progress we’ve made so far. Up to this point, we’ve been exchanging Articles that do not include economics with the Employer (however, we do anticipate an economic response will be coming from them within our next few dates!) and we’ve already come to agreements on a few new Articles:

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MultiCare Mary Bridge RN & Diabetes Educator RNs Bargaining Update

MultiCare Mary Bridge RN & Diabetes Educator RNs  Bargaining Update

Regarding the economic proposals for the main RN contract, because we’re still awaiting MultiCare’s response we decided it was best to hold off on addressing a few of the other Articles we’ve been discussing with Management; an approach that allows us to carefully weigh all our priorities as a team. While this decision was challenging, we believe that receiving strong compensation proposals from MultiCare will better inform our evaluation of our top priorities. Our goal is to maximize benefits for the greatest number of nurses, and we are committed to achieving that.

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MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Workers BARGAINING BEGINS!

MultiCare Capital Medical Center Service, Office and Technical Workers  BARGAINING BEGINS!

We have watched as union workers at MultiCare across Washington State spent the last nine months of this year achieving huge wins through determination and solidarity at the bargaining table, and we’re all eager to keep the wins coming in Olympia!

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MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs & RN Case Managers HARD WORK PAYS OFF… NEXT TIME?

MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs & RN Case Managers HARD WORK PAYS OFF… NEXT TIME?

We had aimed to present our proposals up front hoping that it may inspire Management to do the same; the sooner we get to a final tentative agreement, the sooner we get the union protections, premiums, and wages we negotiate! Not to mention this expedites the Case Manager RNs transition from being non-union, to being official union members!

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MultiCare Auburn Medical Center Professionals READY TO RALLY!

“Disappointed, but not surprised- now it’s time to take collective action.” -Brent

After more than ten months of negotiations, the patience of our Bargaining Team with MultiCare is wearing thin. While we have come to negotiations ready to work hard and fight for a contract that supports all of us, it increasingly feels that the Employer may not be matching our commitment. August 21 marks the third consecutive session with Management where we have left feeling that despite our earnest efforts and the tough decisions we’ve faced, MultiCare has come unprepared to make tough decisions themselves.

We know that as dedicated hospital workers, our years of experience make us the most valuable asset that MultiCare has, and while we recognize that progress is being made on wages and credit for experience—numerous delays and proposed wage take-aways have us feeling like our work at the bargaining table is not enough to push our Employer to finalizing our first union contract.

We can no longer allow MultiCare’s delays to hold us back from getting the wages and union benefits we deserve. Now is the time to show-off our collective power and make MultiCare hear our voices!

RSVP to the informational picket September 12 from 4:00PM – 6:00PM

All Union Professionals need to stand together and fight for a strong first contract! Signing-up helps our Bargaining Team get updates and details out as early as possible. Talk to your coworkers!

*If your collective bargaining agreements do not permit joining our informational picket while your contract is in effect, You can support our Professional co-workers by wearing union swag and showing solidarity in the workplace!

Picket-sign-making-party on September 4 from 5:00PM – 7:00PM

RSVP here to work together before our informational picket to build signs, build solidarity, and get ready to rally!

Please reach out to your union representative Ian Jacobson with any questions at 206-436-6550

MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs & RN Case Managers BARGAINING BEGINS!

MultiCare Auburn Medical Center RNs & RN Case Managers BARGAINING BEGINS!

On Tuesday, July 30 MultiCare Auburn Medical Center registered nurses kicked-off union contract negotiations with MultiCare. We’re feeling energized and ready to keep the momentum going; recognizing wins achieved by our union siblings in other contract negotiations at MultiCare recently.

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MultiCare Health Systems Contract Ratified!

MultiCare Health Systems Contract Ratified!

“It was a collaborative effort with experienced shop stewards who advocated tirelessly. Reaching out to coworkers, building new relationships, and being creative throughout bargaining was key. Having my coworkers participate inspired us on the bargaining team and scared MultiCare! Our strength comes when we fight together. I wanted my coworkers and I to be heard at MultiCare and it was eye opening to see what it takes.” - Rafael Diaz – Cardiovascular Tech

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MultiCare Health Systems Tentative Agreement Reached!

MultiCare Health Systems Tentative Agreement Reached!

Friday night, after more than twelve hours of negotiations, our union Bargaining Team has come to a fully recommended tentative agreement with MultiCare for a strong new contract. We began the day with the understanding that our collective power and perseverance would culminate in a win for a strong new agreement for our co-workers. Our union Bargaining Team is fully recommending a YES vote on the contract offer.

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On Monday, July 8, 2024, we kicked-off what we anticipate will be a pivotal week with MultiCare in our ongoing negotiations. As bargaining wrapped up today, we left feeling more encouraged that we may eventually reach agreement than we did going into the day. MultiCare’s newest offer includes some movement in both their economic and benefits proposals:

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MultiCare Bargaining Update: Pivotal Day of Bargaining

MultiCare Bargaining Update: Pivotal Day of Bargaining

Our Union Bargaining Team is preparing for a crucial day of negotiations with MultiCare tomorrow.

As mentioned in last week’s update, our team submitted proposals to the employer during our last session that aimed to create momentum towards a fair agreement. We believe it was a significant step towards resolving our differences, intended as an olive branch to facilitate constructive dialogue.

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MultiCare Unity on Display

MultiCare Unity on Display

Historic turnout of members and community has shown MultiCare that our Bargaining Team is serious when they say workers across the system are frustrated and committed to take action for a fair contract. And our team feel even more confident, knowing that so many community supporters, workers from other unions, and elected officials also have our back.

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MultiCare Health Systems Show us the dollar, Bill!

MultiCare Health Systems Show us the dollar, Bill!

Just two days after an email from MultiCare’s CEO announced a new affiliation with Overlake Medical Center, & further confirmed MultiCare’s aspirations to become “the Pacific Northwest’s highest value system of health”- we cannot say we are surprised to learn that the line of a “commitment to invest” stops somewhere between “a network of primary, urgent and specialty care clinics” and us- their dedicated, hard-working, & committed staff.

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MultiCare is bargaining in bad faith

On Thursday, May 16, our Union Negotiating Committee met with MultiCare to continue contract negotiations, however, we’re not sure MultiCare showed up for the same reason. We do not believe that Management are bargaining in good faith. They are not taking this process seriously, nor do we feel that concerns about our staffing, our wages, and the well-being of ourselves and our families are being considered in Management’s proposals.

“Three percent is BS. That’s not even enough to cover inflation for this year.” —Rafael Diaz

We feel that MultiCare is trying to drag this out, perhaps to exhaust us, and defeat us, but we are not giving in. We will show MultiCare that we will stand together to win a fair contract.


SAVE THE DATE: picket sign making party Wednesday, June 5 from 5PM—7PM at IBEW Local 76, 3049 S 36th Street. Tacoma, 98409