Providence St. Peter Technical - Positive Steps

Providence St. Peter Technical - Positive Steps

Last week on August 14, we had our first bargaining date with Providence for our contract. Both sides came to the table prepared and we had deep discussions with management on many topics including retention and recruitment, new employee orientation, training and precepting, equity and nondiscrimination in the workplace, and how we can build trust between the Hospital and caregivers. Our next bargaining dates are September 4 and 18. On these dates we will be discussing the changes to the Aetna health care network along with other economic proposals.

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Summit Pacific Medical Center - Bargaining Update

Our bargaining Team met with SPMC management Friday and received their initial economic proposal. The proposal included increases to wages, premiums and differentials.

Management provided lists of the wages paid at neighboring hospitals and clinics and made a proposal to try to bring us closer to those facilities. The data they provided did not include wages from contracts that have been recently ratified.

We are reviewing the accuracy and effective dates of the wage scales that SPMC used for their comparisons, to figure out how they determined the proposed increases. Our bargaining team questioned management about the accuracy of their information and management seemed interested in making sure the data they are using is up-to-date.

We are working on a counter proposal and will present our data on wages and other compensation.

It is important that SPMC fully understands our goals for this contract. We need to be competitive to retain current employees and recruit new ones.

Next bargaining dates: August 12 and 19.

For more information contact a member of our Bargaining Team: Kim Starkweather Patient Coordinator, Allison Felder RN ED, Monica Ortiz RN ACU, Barb Ford ED Tech, Judea Prouty Medical Assistant, McCleary Clinic, Kurt E Phillips Lead Building Engineer.

Union Representatives:
Kiambo White (206) 436-6515
Madison Derksema (206) 436-6603

"Management is being very receptive and open to feedback."
— Judea Prouty, MA, McCleary Clinic

"They're willing to meet us and are looking at data that shows them where we need to be."
— Monica Ortiz, RN

Providence Sacred Heart Techs: We Ratified A New 3-Year Contract!

Providence Sacred Heart Techs: We Ratified A New 3-Year Contract!

After eight months of constant battle and momentous efforts by our bargaining team and the unification of our entire membership, we have finally settled our contract with Providence Sacred Heart. Our members’ efforts and commitment have yielded the best contract we have seen for our collective bargaining unit. This is a small victory in the greater war for recognition of our efforts and skills, and our value as caregivers to our families and community.

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Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Techs call to action!


We finally got Back to the table on May 9, which is nearly a month after our last session and nine days after our return to work from our successful Stike. Unfortunately, today during negotiations no ground was gained. We return to contract negotiations on May 28 and May 29. 

“Providence made it clear that they have never perceived themselves to be ahead or a leader in the local market, nor do they want to be.  Our bargaining team’s determination is unyielding in the face of corporate greed.” – Providence Sacred Heart Technical Unit Bargaining Team: Derek Roybal, Janelle Mathias, Craig Kistler, Lee Lidman, Joe Sikkila, Shane Sullivan, Miriam Critelli, Teresa Bowden, Angela Holmes, Holly Granly. 

Today we call on every one of our coworkers who found themselves moved by our unity and collective power, to join us in stepping up and volunteering to be a union steward in your dept and shift.  

Over the next couple of weeks we will be expanding our workplace leaders throughout the hospital and invite you to join us for Union Steward training virtually or in-person. NOW is the time to show that we are continuing to organize for retention, recruitment, and patient care for our community.  


Please rsvp to Jackie Williams at  

May 15 at 6PM

In Person at the UFCW 3000 Spokane Office: 2805 N Market St., Spokane, WA 99205 

Monday May 20 at 6PM

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 871 3188 1290  
Passcode: 893823  

Thursday May 23 at 6PM

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 833 7823 9210  
Passcode: 540340  

Thank you with deepest gratitude to all of the community members, co-workers and patients who supported us during the strike. We plan to send out complete list with our next updates  

Providence Sacred Heart Techs Join us to end the strike strong!

Join us to end the Strike strong

Our Unfair Labor Practice strike will end today April 30 at 8:30 pm. Join us anytime for the rest of the day to end the strike strong! Particularly, the last few hours we’d like as many members and their families to walk in solidarity on the lines and cheer on our coworkers on as they return to work.

Below are answers that we received from Providence regarding return to work, and should match the same information you will be receiving from the Hospital. If you have any questions, please ask Union staff on the strike line today or call Union Representative Juanita Quezada, 509-340-7407.

When do we return to work?

Providence Direct Leaders started reaching out to members yesterday and today regarding return to work.  If you are scheduled to work today (Tuesday) and would otherwise be on shift at 8:30 pm, you should plan to work the remainder of your scheduled shift following the end of the strike. You will be paid for work time starting at 8:30 pm.
Examples: If you are scheduled to work at 7:30 pm, you should report to work at 8:30 pm. If your scheduled shift ends at 9:00 pm, you should report to work at 8:30 pm to work the last part of the shift. Any questions, please reach out to your direct leader at Providence.

What about badges, parking, and entering the building?

All badges will be reactivated shortly before the end of the strike. Please let your direct leader know if your badge is not reactivated. The employee garage doors will be open and accessible to everyone. When you arrive, please only enter through the L3 entrance. Members will be asked to wait in the Mother Joseph Room until units are ready. Light treats and beverages will be available.

When will our bargaining team return to negotiations?

The Union has requested bargaining dates from Providence and they have committed to responding to us after the strike ends. We will continue to provide updates on next steps and future bargaining dates.

When will we receive our strike pay benefits?

The Union will be calculating hours on the strike line this week and strike benefit checks will be sent via regular mail to the address listed on your W9 the week of May 6. Updates will be sent out via email and text. Stay tuned!

Providence Sacred Heart Techs Weekend Plans on the Strike Line!

Join us on Saturday for FEED THE LINE

We will have the Blue Apron Brigade (The Babs) delivering food and support we received from the Community in the area at various times in the day. Who are the Babs you may ask? Well come to the Strike line on Saturday and you won’t miss them.They’re the fun people wearing Blue aprons with FOOD!

  • Breakfast will be delivered to the strike lines around 7:00am and is from Panera Bread.

  • Lunch will be near the Check-In tent around 12pm and it is TECH-SASS STYLE BBQ from Fresh Soul. We will have folks relieve people from each strike line in groups so that you can grab lunch at the tent.

  • Dinner will be delivered to each strike line around 3:00pm and will be from Las Delicias de Isla.

  • Dinner will be delivered to each strike line around 5:30pm and is from Ricuras Caribeñas.

  • Some Community members may be dropping by with goodies throughout the day as well!

"Why is Providence afraid to face us?”

—Join us on Sunday for Family day of Sweet Treats and Face painting! A face painter will be at the Check-In Tent from 11am to 4pm. Bring the children!

Providence Sacred Heart Techs ULP Strike Day 2 update

Amazing turnout of workers and community the first two days of the strike! We will be sending out short updates throughout the strike- today is an important update regarding your strike benefits and an invitation to join the Rally tomorrow night 4/24 at 7pm in Cowley Park.

Please help pass the word to friends and family- and wear your best western themed clothing for a Sunset showdown Rally in support of the Technical workers. We’ll be joined by community and legislative speakers… we hope to see you there!


Our Union Executive Board has approved strike fund benefits for represented workers of: 

  • $500/week for picketing a minimum of 20 hours a week, 

  • $800/week for picketing a minimum of 32 hours or more a week, 

  • $200/week “Respect the Line Benefit” for those who cannot join their colleagues on the strike line but respect the strike line and do not cross. *Respect the Line Benefit only available on full week.  

    Since this is an 8.5 day strike, there are an extra two days that represented workers are eligible for strike benefits: 

  • Week 1: Monday April 22 – Sunday April 28: Receive benefit above based on hours on the strike line 

  • Week 2: Monday April 29 – Tuesday April 30: Strike Benefit will be pro-rated

  • $200 for picketing 8-12 hr

  • $320 for picketing more than 12 hr

Our health care workers are standing up for fair treatment and safe patient care at Sacred Heart.

Come by at 7 PM to meet striking workers and prepare for a sunset solidarity rally, with voices from the hospital and our community. Let’s show Sacred Heart workers that this community has their back!

Our health care workers are standing up for fair treatment and safe patient care at Sacred Heart.

Providence Sacred Heart Techs ULP Strike starts on April 22

ULP Strike starts on April 22

On Monday April 22 at 2pm our unfair labor practice (ULP) strike at Providence Sacred Heart begins. The most important thing is that as we leave our shifts, there is a continuum of patient care. We cannot abandon our patients and should follow Providence’s instructions for safe transfer of work. Technical workers whose shift starts prior to 2pm on April 22 should report to their shift and at 2pm should give report and safely transfer their assignment to a replacement worker. If there is no replacement worker to transfer your assignment to, then you should continue working your shift until you can safely transfer your assignment (this may be at the end of your shift). Once you have safely transferred your assignment then you can join us on the strike line!

If you do not work on April 22, please join us on the strike line starting at 2pm so we can welcome our coworkers who have walked off their shifts. You may sign in on Day 1 on the strike line OR at the sign in Tent on 8th and McClellan St.

The strike will conclude on April 30 at 8:30pm. As this is a ULP strike, Providence must offer all technical workers an unconditional return to work. This means that technical workers should expect to work their next regular or call shift following April 30 at 8:30pm. If your regular or call shift on April 30 starts before 8:30pm, Providence will communicate instructions. We expect that supervisors will send out return-to-work instructions on or before April 29.

While we encourage all technical workers to join us on the strike line throughout our 8-day ULP strike, we recognize that personal circumstances may influence individual decisions regarding participation. If you choose to strike, please adhere to Providence's instructions.

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Union Representative Juanita Quezada, 509-340-7407.

For more information about our ULP strike please visit >>

Providence Sacred Heart Tech ULP Strike Notice Delivered: We Stand United 

ULP Strike Notice Delivered at Sacred Heart: We Stand United 

After months of bargaining with Providence Sacred Heart in Spokane, Sacred Heart Medical Center technical workers voted overwhelmingly to REJECT Providence’s most recent contract offer and YES to authorize an unfair labor practice strike, with unprecedented voter turnout. 

“A supermajority of UFCW 3000 members showed up to vote. As an extension of our voices, we used our votes to reject the present contract offered by Providence and to authorize a strike, signaling it is time for Providence to hear us and find solutions to combat short staffing and retain experienced staff. We are a part of this community, and we will continue to fight to keep our community safe and healthy.” – Providence Sacred Heart Technical Unit Bargaining Team: Derek Roybal, Janelle Mathias, Craig Kistler, Lee Lidman, Joe Sikkila, Shane Sullivan, Miriam Critelli, Teresa Bowden, Angela Holmes, Holly Granly.

Today we delivered to a 10-day strike notice to Providence. Our union bargaining team has called for an Unfair Labor Practice Strike starting at 2:00pm on April 22 and lasting until April 30, with picketing outside the hospital every day between the hours of 5:30am - 8:30pm.


We deserve better. Providence’s behavior at the bargaining table has shown us consistent disrespect. That disrespect of our rights and our bargaining process has extended to management committing unfair labor practices. Providence management implemented a change in working conditions, imposing schedule changes outside the bounds of our contract even as our union objected. They engaged in blatant direct dealing with union members outside of negotiations, skirting the bargaining process by attempting to coerce members into approving terms we had not agreed to. At the final hour they punitively revoked our access to the hospital for our contract vote the day before the vote. From the beginning, we had to fight just to keep our existing medical and dental guarantees on the table, which we only saved through relentless action and solidarity. Management’s insistence that we compare our compensation with a nearby hospital vanished when those workers negotiated significant improvements. Now Providence seems perfectly comfortable making many of us the lowest-paid workers in our field in our region, all while committing unfair labor practices throughout our negotiations. They even made the decision to take away snacks and drinks from employees utilizing the OR break room.

Our patients deserve better. Chronic short-staffing and perpetual on-call is running us ragged. Sacred Heart Medical Center is the only hospital of its kind in the region, yet instead of recognizing the unique specialty, skills, and services we provide, hospital leadership seems convinced they don’t have to invest in staff. We are a lifeline for the sickest patients in the Inland Northwest, and without a better contract we will continue to lose the technical staff required to offer the highest level of care. Our patients deserve the best care team possible, and we can’t achieve that if technical staff can work down the street for better pay, fairer treatment, a higher level of respect, and less demanding work. 

Our community is counting on us. If we allow Providence management to degrade the standards in our contract, to ignore our hard work and sacrifices, to set the bar as low as possible for how skilled technical workers are treated, we know it will have devastating impacts on our ability to retain our experienced staff and recruit new highly qualified technical staff. As our region’s only level II trauma center for adult and pediatric patients, Providence should be the regional leader in recruiting and retaining skilled staff. 

We stand united. Our unit has shown up to these votes in lockstep, with unprecedented turnout and unanimous or near-unanimous votes rejecting Providence’s offers and authorizing this unfair labor practice strike. We have come this far together. Walking a strike line is a last resort, and we don’t take it lightly, but we are ready to stand up for our patients, our community, and each other. Unfair labor practices are unacceptable, and the disrespect we’re facing at the bargaining table negatively impacts patient care. We have the support of 50,000 fellow UFCW 3000 members and our union’s community allies across Spokane.

We are inspired by our fellow Providence workers, including the 1,300+ nurses at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett who went on strike in 2023 and demanded better for their patients and staff. Following their lead, we call on all Providence workers to keep organizing together in solidarity, in this contract fight and in your upcoming contract negotiations. Each time that we stand up to Providence’s corporate greed, we lay a foundation to envision what a more powerful voice could look like for workers and patients in our health care system and specifically within Providence Health & Services.


It’s time to send Providence a clear message that they need to do better, we expect better, and our patients deserve better. Join us in actions over the coming days and on the strike line starting on April 22 to ask Providence to be the leader our community and patients need. 


CALENDAR: Join actions next week to help prepare for a successful strike! 

Monday 4/15 @ 7pm: Media and Social Media Training via Zoom 
Join Zoom Meeting:  

Tuesday 4/16 @ 6pm: Picket Sign-Making Party
@ UFCW 3000 Office: 2805 N Market St, Spokane, WA 99207. Come make a sign and also pick up community support signs to share with local businesses.  

Wednesday 4/17 @ 11am: Press Conference
@ UFCW 3000 Office: 2805 N Market St, Spokane, WA 99207. Invite family and friends to join us! 

Wednesday 4/17 @ 7pm: Telephone Town Hall call with Providence workers statewide 
Providence Sacred Heart workers will receive a call at the phone number on file with the union inviting you to join this call at 7 pm. If you miss the call or do not receive a call, you can join the meeting anytime by calling (888) 652-0386 and entering Meeting ID 7911  

Friday 4/19 @ 6pm: Strike Captain Meeting
@ UFCW 3000 Office: 2805 N Market St, Spokane, WA 99207. Are you interested in helping to be a leader on the line? Come join us for training on roles, how to lead, and what to expect.

Picketing at the hospital will occur daily from 5:30am – 8:30pm through 4/30. 

*Additional communications will be sent out answering frequently asked questions, as we prepare logistically for the Strike. Stay up to date at

Providence Sacred Heart PROV MISSED THE MARK AGAIN Contract and Strike Reauthorization vote

After months of bargaining with Providence to secure a new contract that reflects the respect we deserve and the care our patients need, we were met with another disappointing proposal from the Hospital. A Proposal that Providence said was them putting their best offer forward. A proposal that would make many of us the lowest paid workers in our field in the region. A Proposal that doesn't adequately address safe staffing by improving our retention and recruitment of healthcare workers.

We are the lifeline for Spokane and the greater Inland Northwest community. Providence Sacred Heart is the only trauma 2 and pediatric hospital in Washington State and has the only stroke thrombectomy center, nuerointerventional center, adult congenital heart program, and transplant center in the Inland Northwest.

Providence should be the leader in recruitment and retention in Spokane and should recognize the unique specialty, skills, and services we provide to the community.

From the very first moment of bargaining, Providence has been laser focused on deteriorating standards in our contract by attempting to bully our unit to give up our Union Healthcare benefits and committing multiple potential Unfair Labor Practices along the way. We stood together and were successfully able to protect our Dental benefits through the life of the agreement and we are standing  together and fighting  back against Providence breaking labor law.  

Next, the Hospital came to the table with a song and dance about how they wanted to address specific areas in our contract that were behind market, to maintain Sacred Heart Medical Center as the leader in the Spokane area, while at the same time attempting to pin our wages to the lowest comparable in the area. After the same neighboring hospital settled their contact with significant gains, Providence came back to the table arguing that we shouldn’t look at that comparison. It’s clear to us that Providence is prepared to make whatever argument, flip flopping all the way, just to pay us less. We find that unacceptable.

Many of us have worked through the pandemic, worked short staffed for months or years, taken endless hours of call, sacrificing our time, energy, bodies, and our families to care for our patients and community all while making Providence profitable. Our wages and standards have fallen behind others, and we still did our job. Providence’s last proposal does not recognize us for our hard work, skills, and commitment to our community and to Providence.

We still have work to do. Its time to send Providence a clear message that they need to do better, we expect better, and our patients deserve better. Join us at the Contract vote this Thursday to reject Providence’s latest offer and re-authorize a strike.


Thursday, April 11 from 7am to 8pm
@ Hampton Inn & Suites- Spokane Downtown South, 675 S Mcclellan Street. Spokane, WA 99204 in the Rockwood Retreat Room 3

Please help pass the word- the Vote will be held at a NEW location- the Hampton Inn Downtown Spokane, right across from the Hospital.

Our union Bargaining Team is recommending a NO vote on the contract proposal and a YES vote to re-authorize a strike. Any time there are significant changes to the proposal we must re-vote. All members in good standing are encouraged to vote. To receive the union strike pay benefit, you must complete a W9 form before we go on strike >>

“Our team showed up today and worked very hard to come up with competitive comprehensive proposals that involved very creative movement and was met with a lack of creative ideas from the employer. I continue to feel that my career choice is very unappreciated by this employer. I cannot in good conscience recommend a yes vote on the employers’ latest proposal.” – Angela Holmes Surgical Tech

“Providence needs to do the right thing chose to show that they care about the health of the community and surrounding areas and take action to recruit and retain the talented and experience caregivers that have made us the leaders in acute care. Profits and shareholders should never be given priority over patients and employees.” – Derek Roybal

“My perception is that Management had no intention of moving towards a fair contract that would help with retention and recruitment of highly qualified staff to care for our community. Join us in voting NO on the contract and Yes on strike Authorization on Thursday. Providence needs to Do better and Providence need to BE better.” – Joe Sikkila

Providence Sacred Heart Being united gets results, but the fight isn’t over.

If our Bargaining Team is unable to reach a fully recommended offer at our next session on April 8  —then our union Bargaining Team is recommending a NO vote on the contract proposal and a YES vote to re-authorize a strike. 

When we fight we win! Management heard us because of our unanimous strike authorization vote. With the strength and support of our co-workers behind us, we were able to lock in significant movement at the table:  

We beat back management’s attempts to gut our dental plan. 

  • Proposals were exchanged that would ensure NO changes to our contractual dental plan over the course of the contract and included language that would ensure we keep our Dental plan in place long term, as long as it remains the standard for the Service & Maintenance unit at the hospital.  

We also locked in new Tentative Agreements on:  

  • Recognition of past experience for New Hires 

  • Increase Shift Differentials 

  • Increased Standby pay 

  •  Preceptor Premium 

  • Adding MLK Day as a holiday 

  • Clarity of sick leave usage 

  • Removal of Ghost Step for step 23 and Step 11 

  • Improved Grievance process 

  • Staffing LOU  

  • Tuition reimbursement increase 

While these are promising improvements they are not enough until we win significant improvements on wage proposals. 

Caregivers deserve respect from Management, Sacred Heart is the only level 2 trauma hospital in the area and is a vital resource for our community for miles around. Other hospitals send us their most complicated and desperate patients to get the care they need. 

Throughout the negotiation process Management has tried to circumvent good faith bargaining by unanimously implementing procedures around mealtimes and breaks, imposing a wage path without negotiating, frustrating the process by failing to provide essential information to our union bargaining team, and other unfair labor practices.  

Contract vote scheduled: Thursday, April 11 from 7am to 8pm in the Leahy Room (next to the cafeteria). 

If we are unable to reach a fully recommended offer at our next session scheduled for April 8 our union Bargaining Team is recommending a NO vote on the contract proposal and a YES vote to re-authorize a strike. Any time there are significant changes to the proposal we must re-vote. All members in good standing are encouraged to vote. To receive the union strike pay benefit, you must complete a W9 form before we go on strike >>

“We need to show Management that the progress we made isn’t enough with a strong NO Vote. We hope we can reach a tentative agreement, but we are united and ready for a ULP strike if we must. Over the next week we will be signing up for strike shifts and picket captain trainings. We are not afraid to do what we must to win,” - Craig Kistler 

“We need to recruit and retain talented caregivers so that we can provide the quality healthcare this community expects from a Trauma level 2 Hospital. Spokane has become one of the most expensive places to live in Eastern Washington, we need wages that stay competitive with other area healthcare centers and acknowledge the unique and important role that Sacred Heart plays in caring for communities for miles around.” - Teresa Bowden

Next steps:

  1. Addend the contract vote/strike re-authorization vote on Thursday, April 11 from 7am to 8pm in the Leahy Room (next to the cafeteria.

  1.  Strike shift sign-ups will be available next week 

  1. To receive strike pay you must complete and return a W-9 >> 

Providence Sacred Heart (Technical) - CONTRACT REJECTED, STRIKE AUTHORIZED

Providence Sacred Heart - Technical

On March 1, Providence Sacred Heart Technical UFCW 3000 union members voted unanimously to reject the Employer’s last contract proposal and authorize a ULP strike.

After many long bargaining sessions with Providence Sacred Heart, the Bargaining Team felt that it was time to take a stand and let Management know that we are all standing together for a fair contract that has no takeaways to our benefits and addresses the sub-par wage scale that prevents us from recruiting and retaining quality staff and gives us the ability to provide adequate patient care to our community.

A Federal Mediator will be joining our next bargaining session on March 18, and we are hoping that we can get Providence to acknowledge the importance of recognizing that we are the HEART at Sacred Heart.

It is an unfair labor practice for Management to coerce members, to interfere in Union activities or change any working conditions. Please continue to advise our Bargaining Team or Union Rep if you believe your Manager has engaged in any type of this behavior.

A vote to authorize a strike is a collective stand for our rights and the well-being of our coworkers and communities. The prospect of a strike may be a last resort, but it is a powerful tool that can motivate change. It forces the Employer to reconsider their stance at the bargaining table and acknowledge our hard work and our commitment to our patients. Withholding our labor is one of the ultimate actions we can take to demonstrate our power in the workplace, show the Employer we are UNITED, and achieve our goal of a FAIR CONTRACT when no other methods have worked.

“I voted to strike simply because I feel disrespected by Providence. Costs have risen much faster than pay and the proposed cost-of-living adjustment will not cover half of the monthly increases that I have seen over the past couple of years. I cannot continue to fall behind because Providence will not offer a reasonable increase. Sacred Heart offers services that no one else in the region offers, yet Providence does not seem to care about the skill set needed to provide those services. I have observed several coworkers leave for more money in the same or lower priced areas of the county and have indicated that they have a better work life balance. Providence does not seem to care about these things. Without these adjustments, recruiting to fill vacancies is difficult if not impossible.” —Mark Kehoe, Pediatric Sonographer

Join us at the Spokane St. Patrick’s Day parade!

We will be marching in the Spokane to show our presence and hand out leaflets to members of our community. Bring your family, friends, and wear UFCW yellow.

Saturday, March 16 @ 11am
Flour Mill, 621 W Mallon Ave, Spokane, WA 99201

Please reach out to a Bargaining Team member or Union Rep Juanita Quezada @ 509- 340-7407 if you have questions or would like to get more involved in the fight for a fair contract.

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Techs CONTRACT & ULP STRIKE VOTE SCHEDULED

After more than 14 hours of negotiations on February 22, we find ourselves not making a lot of movement at the table with Providence. We entered these negotiations with the goal of securing a fair and competitive agreement.

Although Providence made small movement on the dental benefits guarantee elimination, they continue to propose the elimination of guaranteed language for dental that is currently protected by the contract and replacing it with a proposal that will slowly deplete the benefits employees currently have. The Bargaining Team feels that the latest proposal is not only disrespectful but will only further chip away at our benefits package. We will continue to push back at the bargaining table with Federal Mediation on March 18, 2024 against employer proposals like eliminating the guarantee the employer pays 100% of Dental Premium for full-time employees and at least 50% for dependents. We will also continue to push for significant movement on wage increases to help recruit and retain staff, which we believe would improve staffing and patient care.

It is an unfair labor practice for Management to coerce members or to interfere in Union activities. Please advise the bargaining team or Union Representative if you believe your manager has engaged in any type of this behavior.

“Providence Sacred Heart is known for treating high acuity patients and rarely transfer patients, patients usually come to us. We take care of our patients and Providence should do the same and take good care of their staff.” —Joe Sikkila, Respiratory Therapy

Contract Review Meeting: Tuesday, February 27 from 6pm-8pm:

We encourage members to join their bargaining team and co-workers at the UFCW 3000 office for a bargaining update meeting on February 27 from 6p-8p to get updates and learn about next steps.

Contract and ULP Strike Authorization vote: Friday, March 1

We will be holding a Strike Authorization Vote and a Contract Vote on Friday, March 1, 2024 from 8am-11am, 1pm-4pm, and 5pm-8pm at the UFCW 3000 office: 2805 N. Market Street, Spokane WA. Our Bargaining Team recommends a “NO” vote on Providence’s last proposal and a “YES” vote to authorize a strike. You must be a member in good standing to vote. The Bargaining Team will be on-hand to answer any question you may have. All changes to the contract, including the last employer package proposal will be available at the vote.

“We had a long intense bargaining on 2/22. We did our job and kept pushing thinking we would be able to meet in the middle to get a deal.” -Holly Granly Surgical Tech

“The lack of ability to retain/recruit skilled staff continues to degrade patient safety, patient health, and staff safety.” -Derek Roybal CV Tech

Providence Sacred Heart Technical Bargaining Update

We met with the Employer again on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 and although the Employer moved off of the Medical benefits guarantee elimination, they continue to propose the elimination of guaranteed language for dental that is currently protected by the contract. The Employer stated that they want us to have the same benefits as non-represented employees, and not the same benefits as other represented employees such as your RNs and Service & Maintenance co-workers. The bargaining team feels there was minimal movement made and we have a long way to go. We will continue to push back at bargaining table on February 22, 2024 against Employer proposals like eliminating language in Article 13.6, that guarantees the employer pays 100% of Dental Premium for Full-Time employees and at least 50% for dependents. We will also continue to push for significant movement on wage increases to help recruit and retain staff, which we believe would improve staffing and patient care.

We have had reports of Management bringing around a bargaining update that shows what the Employer’s last proposal was. We have been told that it is not posted and only being shown by Management.

WHY? We believe that what they are showing employees is only a partial proposal that does not show the proposal to eliminate language in Article 13.6.

It is an unfair labor practice for Management to coerce members or to interfere in Union activities. Please advise your bargaining team or Union Representative if you believe your manager has engaged in any type of this behavior.

If you have not already done so please join your coworkers in signing the strike pledge

We encourage members to join their bargaining team and co-workers at the UFCW 3000 office for a bargaining update meeting to get updates and hear about next steps on February 27. We will also be holding a Strike Authorization Vote on March 1, 2024:

Bargaining Update Meeting

February 27

  • 6pm - 8pm

Strike Authorization Vote

March 1, 2024

  • 8am - 11am
  • 1pm - 4pm
  • 5pm - 8pm

UFCW 3000 office

2805 N. Market Street, Spokane, WA

As a member of your bargaining team, we are working very hard to bring our co-workers a contract we feel is fair and protects our benefits.

—Angela Holmes, Surgical Tech

We should not only be compared to local hospitals but also to Hospitals of similar size and services. We need to have competitive wages that reflect the work we do.

—Lee Lidman, IR CV Tech

Better wages lead to better staffing, which leads to better patient care. We have been working additional shifts for over 2 years. If the employer put that additional incentive pay into the wage scale, we would be able to recruit and retain experienced staff.

—Joe Sikkila, Respiratory Therapy

Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Techs Back to bargaining

“On January 9 our Bargaining Team went back to the bargaining table with Management. While we are encouraged by the movement that Management finally made in many areas for the first time we still have a lot of work to do.” — Janelle Mathias Pharmacy Tech. Bargaining Team member and Steward.

We will be back to the table with Management on January 17 to continue conversations on Compensation, Medical, Dental and Vision Benefits, Credit for experience and a few other outstanding items.

Please reach out to the Bargaining Team or our Union Representative Juanita Quezada 509-340-7371 with any questions or concerns.

We don’t want to but we will.

We are standing strong for each other, our patients, and our communities: Sign the pledge to join my Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Tech co-workers on the strike line >>

Providence Centralia Tech Unfair Labor Practice filed for PTO hours!

When we ratified our union contract in September 2021 we understood that we would be receiving 24 hours (prorated by FTE) of additional PTO hours in January 2023, like the Providence St. Peter Hospital Techs, to address the change from the Extended Illness Bank Program to PTO/ PTO Safe Sick Program.

In early 2023, we only received 16 hours of PTO. We asked PCH to correct this issue and they stated this was not our agreement. Given their position we filed an unfair labor practice (ULP) with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The NLRB is still investigating the ULP.

We are holding firm that 8 hours (prorated by FTE) need to be added to our PTO banks. We will continue providing updates once we hear more from the NLRB. You can also contact our union representative Brandan Zielinski 206-436-6603 if you have further questions or workplace issues.

Providence St. Joseph - New Three Year Contract Ratified at Providence St. Joseph Hospital for Service & Maintenance and Technical Units

Our bargaining team is excited to announce that on June 27, 2023, the new three-year contract was unanimously ratified at Providence St. Joseph Hospital for service & maintenance and technical units. This was a great time for everyone to learn about the new contract, ask questions, and vote. We connected with a lot of people and built our membership through this process. We are encouraged that the growth of our membership will strengthen the power that we have at the table.

The new contract has a competitive wage scale, increased premiums, an additional holiday, and cleaned up a lot of unnecessary language. The bargaining team spent some very long days with management, but they are excited, hopeful, and confident that this contract will help address retention and recruitment issues at St. Joseph.

If you would like to get involved, please reach out to your bargaining team. It takes all of us to fight for the benefits we work hard for!

Please reach out to your bargaining team or Union Representative Amy Radcliff at (509) 340-7370 with any questions or concerns.

Our Bargaining Team: Dawn Trotter, Financial Counselor; Bridgett McCoy, Coordinator; Terri Barbano-Cardin, Respiratory Therapist; Amy Radcliff, Union Representative

Forks Community Hospital Service & Technical - Tentative Agreement Reached! Contract Vote Scheduled

After four bargaining sessions your service and technical union contract negotiating team has reached a tentative agreement!

  • Improvements to the collective bargaining agreement include:

  • Across the board wage increases.

  • Improvements to on-call, shift differentials, and weekend premiums phased in over the life of the contract!

  • Multi-lingual pay for people certified by Washington state as fluent in a language other than English that is regularly spoken with patients.

  • Certification pay for some job classifications wherein people receive certs that are not already requirements of the position (to be discussed in the Labor Management Committee prior to implementation in early 2024).

Please join us for a drop-In contract vote! This Tentative Agreement is recommended by your bargaining team!

Thursday, July 6

  • 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

  • 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Hospital Conference Room

UFCW 3000 members in good standing are encouraged to attend a meeting, ask questions, and vote on the contract. Contact a Bargaining Team member or your Union Representative for any questions!

Our Bargaining Team: Jen Smith, Aleda Adams, Micaiah Nelson, Cheryl Depew

St. Joseph Medical Center Technical - CONTRACT RATIFIED!

On Tuesday May 2, members in the technical bargaining unit at St. Joseph Medical Center overwhelmingly voted to ratify their new collective bargaining agreement!

Our new contract includes some of the highest pay in the region, a completely revamped wage scale with no ghost steps, a historic $1.00/hr increase to standby pay, and much more. Other than our pay increases, which will go into effect no later than two pay periods after ratification, all provisions of our new contract are now in effect!

After contracts have been voted on and ratified by the membership, the process of review between the union and the employer begins. This is a process is to ensure all new changes are incorporated into the agreement. This can take time, but is necessary for accuracy, we will post the contract on our website as soon as the review process is finished. In the meantime, you can find a redlined version at!