UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Kamila Aburkis

UFCW 3000 Member Stories: Kamila Aburkis

Kamila Aburkis works in the deli at the Kirkland Metropolitan Market and enjoys her work, both preparing delicious food and serving her customers, “Maintaining strong customer relationships is important to me. My goal is to be a friendly face to our customers, so they keep coming back.”

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Kelly Shaffer

Kelly Shaffer

Kelly Shaffer knows that being part of a union means having a collective voice on the job that the boss just can’t match, “Without our labor a business can’t operate, we effectively are the store.” Her sense of solidarity comes from how she was raised:

I'm from a working-class family, and my siblings are in unions too (shout out to the electrical workers and the teamsters!), and it's a genuine joy to be able to give back in my own workplace and look out for my fellow grocery workers.

So much of labor history is forgotten, and a lot of people don't realize that their basic rights as workers, the 8-hour day, their breaks, and weekends, are things that were literally fought for. It's important to me to honor that sacrifice and protect the things we might otherwise take for granted.

When Kelly is at work and organizing her coworkers she enjoys painting, drawing, video gaming, and tending to her vegetable garden. Sounds like a well-rounded life and a great shop steward!

Metropolitan Market Grocery Wage Scale Vote Scheduled

Metropolitan Market Grocery Wage Scale Vote Scheduled

Metropolitan Market and UFCW 3000 have come to an agreement to modify the parties’ Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), subject to the ratification of UFCW 3000’s membership. This agreement was arrived at through a collaborative effort. If ratified, the CBA will increase our union scale above other union grocery store workers in the Puget Sound. This agreement also resolves any disputes regarding the wage implementation of the 2022 Allied Grocery Settlement.

Our Union Member Bargaining Team recommends a “YES” VOTE to accept the proposal!

Active members covered by the grocery contract are eligible to vote at whichever location is most convenient during anytime that polling is open.

Wednesday, December 14
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM & 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Drop-in during the voting period to review the Tentative Agreement, get your questions answered, and cast your vote. These votes are open to all active UFCW 3000 Metropolitan Market grocery members in good standing.

Metropolitan Market #153 (Admiral) 2320 42nd Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116

Metropolitan Market #156 (Sand Point) 5250 40th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105

Metropolitan Market #164 (Mercer Island) 2755 77th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA 98040

Metropolitan Market #162 (Sammamish) 301 228th Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98074

Metro Market #159 (Kirkland) 10611 NE 68th St Kirkland, WA 98033

Metro Market #157 (Uptown) 100 Mercer St Seattle, WA 98109

Metro Market #161 (Magnolia) 3830 34th Ave W Seattle, WA 98199

Grocery Store COVID-19 Safety Checklist

Coronavirus is a serious workplace health hazard. All employers have a responsibility to provide a workplace free of safety and health hazards. If your grocery store employer is not complying with any part of this checklist, contact your Union Rep or file a safety report with UFCW 21 at safetyreport@ufcw21.org.

If you are not a UFCW 21 member and have questions about your safety at work, text a UFCW 21 organizer at: 803-820-2121



  • Conspicuous signage at entrances and throughout the store with occupancy limits, policy on face coverings, six-foot physical distancing guidelines, and instructing customers to stay home if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19

  • 6-foot distance markers in checkout lines and other high-traffic areas to maintain 6 feet of physical distancing


  • 6-foot physical distance is maintained and enforced between all workers and all customers in all interactions at all times

    • Where strict 6-foot distancing is not feasible for a specific task, physical barriers (e.g., plexiglass shields) and other measures like limiting staff or customers in an area, or staggering break times and work times are used

  • Building occupancy is limited to appropriate level required by state or county regulations – As of 11/16/2020: 25% of building occupancy according to fire code, not including staff

  • Contactless payment systems, automated ordering, and pickup or delivery are used wherever possible


  • Cloth facial coverings are worn by every employee not working alone on the jobsite unless their exposure level dictates a higher level of protection

    • Reusable cloth face coverings are used when risk for transmission is low

    • Disposable masks are required when risk for transmission is medium, e.g. stocking produce around customers during store hours

  • Face coverings are cleaned or replaced after use or when damaged or soiled, are not shared, and are properly stored and discarded

  • Other personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided such as face masks, gloves, goggles, face shields as appropriate/required for


  • All workers are screened for COVID-19 symptoms at the beginning of each shift

  • Employees who feel or appear sick or have any symptoms of COVID-19 are immediately sent home

  • Employer completes all necessary steps when a positive or suspected positive COVID-19 cases is identified in the workplace

    • This includes notifying all close contacts of the positive or suspected positive worker(s) and allowing positive or suspected positive worker(s) to stay home and recover and all close contacts to stay home and quarantine for 14 days, regardless of whether close contacts are symptomatic

    • This also includes cordoning off areas where someone with probable or confirmed COVID-19 worked, touched surfaces, or spent any prolonged amount of time and following all CDC protocols to clean, sanitize, and disinfect the workplace before reopening them

Find all steps and expectations for when there is a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case identified in the workplace here > >

  • A site-specific COVID-19 Supervisor is designated by the employer for the individual store

    • Worksite COVID-19 Supervisor monitors health of employees

    • Worksite COVID-19 Supervisor enforces COVID-19 job site safety plan


  • Handwashing required when arriving at work, taking breaks, using the bathroom, before and after eating/drinking/using tobacco products, and after touching contaminated surfaces

  • Frequent and adequate handwashing maintained throughout the day

    • Workers get breaks to wash hands regularly

  • Handwashing facilities have clean and hot or tepid water, soap, and paper towels and these are kept stocked

  • Hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) provided for workers and customers


  • Housekeeping schedule with frequent cleaning and sanitizing and an emphasis on surfaces that are regularly touched (“high touch” surfaces)

    • Sanitize and disinfect high touch surfaces frequently (e.g., restrooms, checkout counters, shopping cart handles, door handles)

  • Operating hours allow enough time to thoroughly clean, sanitize, and disinfect facilities between shifts

  • Increase frequency of washing utensils

  • Disposable gloves available and used for shared tools

  • Employee equipment including handhelds/wearables, scanners, radios, other tools are properly cleaned and disinfected before and after use

  • Fitting rooms (if available) are disinfected by an employee with appropriate supplies and PPE after each new customer use

  • Any items used by customers in fitting room and not purchased are removed from inventory and stored for no less than 24 hours

  • IN KING COUNTY: A designated sanitation worker is designated at all times to continuously clean and sanitize commonly touched surfaces according to CDC guidelines

  • IN KING COUNTY: There is a way to sanitize shopping carts and basket handles (can be with available wipes for customers or workers who sanitize between each use)


  • Business does not serve customers or visitors who aren’t wearing face coverings

    • Individuals with medical conditions or disabilities are exempt from this requirement and are not required to carry proof of the condition or disability

    • Employer should offer to provide accommodation such as curbside pickup, delivery, or non-peak hour shopping for these customers

  • Customers must wear a face covering anytime they are not seated, and if seated anytime they are not eating

    • If seated dining is permitted by the state/county at the time, customers may remove face coverings to eat and drink, but must wear face coverings when sitting and not eating

    • As of 11/16/2020: All common/congregate seat areas and indoor dining facilities must be closed


  • Employer has a written plan addressing physical distancing, protective equipment, hygiene, cleaning, communication, screening, and disinfection of contaminated areas onsite and available to regulators

  • Employer notifies local health department within 24 hours if 2 or more employees develop confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within a 14-day period, or if employer suspects COVID-19 is spreading in the workplace

  • Employer cooperates with public health authorities in investigation of suspected and confirmed cases and outbreaks

  • Employer cooperates with infection control measures including isolation, quarantine, and environmental cleaning

  • Employer complies with all public health authority orders and directives

  • Employer fully complies with Washington’s High-Risk Workers Protection proclamation


  • All workers are trained in the language they understand best about:

    • Signs & symptoms of COVID-19

    • How to prevent COVID-19 transmission

    • The employer’s COVID-19 policies (these must inform workers about the steps being taken in the workplace to establish social distancing, increased handwashing, and to prevent the spread of the virus

    • Handwashing length, duration, and frequency

    • Appropriate PPE use

    • Safe use of chemicals used to clean, sanitize, and disinfect



Note: Where there is a contradiction between these documents and one requirement is stricter than another, the stricter requirement should be enforced.

Shopping in a grocery store or have friends and family who might help hold grocery store employers accountable for a safe workplace and shopping experience? Fill out a Grocery Store Report at GroceryStoreReport.com



Tentative Agreement Reached Fully Recommended by Union Member Bargaining Team

As you may know, a fully recommended tentative agreement was reached in negotiations on Wednesday, April 13, 2016. See the information below for times, dates, and locations for union members to review the tentative agreement, get questions answered, and vote. You may vote at whatever location is most convenient, at any time when polling is open at that location.

These votes are open to UFCW 21 grocery store workers in King, Snohomish, Kitsap, Mason and Thurston Counties at the big chains as well as the independent stores. This includes all workers at Safeway, Albertsons, QFC, and Fred Meyer (including CCK and General Merchandise), as well as workers at stores with an interim (or “me too”) agreement, such as Metropolitan Market, Town & Country and other independent stores. 

You can come by at any point during the scheduled times and take as long as you like to review the contract offer and ask questions before casting your vote. You must be present at a vote and a current union member in order to cast a ballot.

Come by at any point between 8:00AM - 12 NOON and 4:00PM - 8:00PM at the following locations to review the offer, get questions answered, and cast your vote.

Sunday, April 24

Meydenbauer Center
Rooms: 404-406, 11100 NE 6th Street, Bellevue, WA  98004

Monday, April 25

Lynnwood Convention Center, Rooms 1DEF
3711 196th St SW, Lynnwood 98036

Tuesday, April 26

Sea Tac
Seatac Hilton
Emerald Ballroom, 17620 International Blvd., Seattle 98188

Wednesday, April 27

Kitsap Convention Center
Ballroom D, 100 Washington Ave, Bremerton 98337

Thursday, April 28

Best Western Executive Inn
Seafair Ballroom, 200 Taylor Ave N, Seattle 98109

Southsound Manor
Logan Room, 455 North Street SE, Tumwater 98501