UFCW 3000 Urges Washington State Congressional Delegation To Call on Joe Biden to Step Aside For A New Generation of Leadership

July 18, 2024

Dear Washington State Congressional Delegation,

As the largest private sector Union in Washington State, representing 55,000 members in grocery, healthcare, cannabis, processing, and retail, UFCW 3000 is dedicated to our members in their workplaces, in their communities, and at home.

The accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration are nothing short of historic; from investing in public infrastructure, taking on corporate monopolies, appointing pro-worker appointees to the NLRB and FTC, and being the first President to join striking workers on a picket line. While President Biden has a record of accomplishments we can all be proud of, we cannot afford to go backwards when it comes to the rights of workers to organize, and the important protections we’ve won during President Biden’s term in office.

What’s at stake in this election is the future of our middle class. In Donald Trump’s war on Unions and on our democracy, working people across the country stand the most to lose.

If President Biden continues to demonstrate that he is unable to effectively campaign, and subsequently loses in November, the advances workers have made will be at immediate risk in a second Trump administration.

Unions cannot sit on the sidelines while working people are under attack. Working people need a leader who can effectively deliver a strong message between now and November, and then implement that vision over the next four years. We call on President Biden to pass the torch to the next generation. He has much to celebrate over his career of accomplishments fighting alongside working people, but it is time for him to retire with dignity, and campaign as hard as we all will for an alternative candidate. The stakes are simply too high to do otherwise.

We urge you, members of our Washington State Congressional Delegation, to call on President Joe Biden to step aside for a new generation of leadership.

Faye Guenther, President UFCW 3000
Joe Mizrahi, Secretary-Treasurer UFCW 3000

MultiCare Health Systems Contract Ratified!

MultiCare Health Systems Contract Ratified!

“It was a collaborative effort with experienced shop stewards who advocated tirelessly. Reaching out to coworkers, building new relationships, and being creative throughout bargaining was key. Having my coworkers participate inspired us on the bargaining team and scared MultiCare! Our strength comes when we fight together. I wanted my coworkers and I to be heard at MultiCare and it was eye opening to see what it takes.” - Rafael Diaz – Cardiovascular Tech

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Seattle Children's Urgent Care MAs - Continued Movement by Management

We bargained again on Tuesday, July 16 and continued to make progress towards a final agreement. With most issues resolved, we primarily discussed wages, and continued to push for additional increases to ensure our wages remain competitive for the life of our new contract.

Our next bargaining session is scheduled for July 30.

"We are getting close to an agreement, but management still needs to close the gap on wages" — Joelyn Martin

Our Bargaining Team: Joelyn Martin, Angelica Acevedo Arreola, Wendy Rivas

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech - Bargaining Kick-Off

Providence St. Peter Hospital Tech - Bargaining Kick-Off

In 2020 we organized our Union to address wage inequity, safety, and respect on the job... and stood together with our coworkers to win a strong first Union contract in 2021. We did this through our collective action and were able to achieve a wage scale, annual wage increases, benefits, job protections, and a solid base to build on in the future.

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Summit Pacific Medical Center Tech, Service and RN

Summit Pacific Medical Center Tech, Service and RN

We have made additional proposals on equity, wages, PTO, premiums, differentials, incentive pay, holiday work, scheduling, staffing, and more. Our Bargaining Team members are waiting for Management’s response and hope that they will see that it is critical that we have sustainable living-wage jobs. Management needs to recognize the hard work that we do and the challenges we face on a daily basis. We are essential to the success of Summit and our community.

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Providence Centralia Hospital Service Union Bargaining Kick-Off

Providence Centralia Hospital Service Union Bargaining Kick-Off

In 2020 we organized our Union to address wage inequity, safety, and respect on the job… And stood together with our coworkers to win a strong first Union contract in 2021. We did this through our collective action and were able to achieve a wage scale, job protections, grievance procedure, and a solid base to build on in the future.

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PCC Meet our new Labor-Management Committee!

Emily Weisenburger, PCC Issaquah; Kelly Campbell, PCC View Ridge; Chloe Jett, PCC Bellevue; Scott Norman, PCC West Seattle; Scott Shiflett, PCC Redmond; Scott Jue, PCC Central District (Alternate); Kerry Hudson, PCC Burien (Alternate)

“The LMC will be able to make recommendations to the PCC Board of Trustees on various issues including staffing, scheduling, workflow and finances. We will have a voice in ensuring that the co-op thrives for workers and customers. I’m happy and honored to serve on this new committee. Open to hearing your ideas!” -- Scott Shiflett, PCC Redmond

After winning historic language during contract negotiations for a voice in the workplace, we, the PCC workers, democratically nominated 10 candidates for our Labor Management Committee (LMC). Those nominated were presented to the PCC Governance Board and Membership Committee for final selection.

Next steps: The LMC will write out their charter. The LMC charter will be developed by its members for review and approval by the Board of Trustees. The LMC will then meet 4 times a year and report deliberations to us, the PCC workers.

MultiCare Health Systems Tentative Agreement Reached!

MultiCare Health Systems Tentative Agreement Reached!

Friday night, after more than twelve hours of negotiations, our union Bargaining Team has come to a fully recommended tentative agreement with MultiCare for a strong new contract. We began the day with the understanding that our collective power and perseverance would culminate in a win for a strong new agreement for our co-workers. Our union Bargaining Team is fully recommending a YES vote on the contract offer.

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PRMCE - Update for Inpatient Rehab:

On July 11, 2024, we met with Providence Everett (PRMCE) management and continued to negotiate over the closure of the inpatient rehab at the Pacific Campus.

There are ongoing discussions to gain clarity from Providence on the transfer of caregivers and the benefits that will be moving with the caregivers that choose to go to Lifepoint.

We recommend that each caregiver make their own decision regarding the job offer from Lifepoint based on their personal circumstances. If you do not accept a position at Lifepoint now, we are unsure if a position will be available for you in the future. Nonetheless, all Pro, Technical, and RN bargaining unit members have the option to take a vacant position at the Colby Campus using the bumping language in their contracts.

Moreover, we presented a counter proposal that maintained PTO/EIB cashout and other benefits for all laid-off employees.

We have an additional bargaining date set for July 17, 2024. On July 18 we would like to invite you to join a Zoom meeting to give an update and answer any questions you may have. As this closure and layoff has the potential to impact caregivers at both the Pacific and Colby campuses, all workers from both inpatient rehab and acute care are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Jack Crow (Pro and Tech Union Rep) or Anthony Cantu (RN Union Rep).

Whidbey Health Service and Support Bargaining Update

Whidbey Health Service and Support Bargaining Update

On Thursday, July 11, our union Bargaining Team had another bargaining session with WhidbeyHealth. Between June 13 and this past Thursday, we have moved closer to a complete contract for your approval. We have finished most of the non-economic pieces and now we are focused on what remains –wages, parity, and a ratification bonus.

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Central Washington Hospital Fully Recommended Tentative Agreement Reached

Our Bargaining Team is excited to announce we have reached a tentative agreement with Central Washington Hospital for the strongest contract we’ve ever had. The Employer heard our team’s requests regarding wages and staffing and made significant changes that we believe will improve retention and recruitment while boosting staff morale. We still have work to do and will continue the work through the next three years so that we can build on what we have worked so hard for.

In-Person Contract Vote Scheduled: Tuesday July 23, 2024 from 8am—2pm & 4pm—7:30pm in Room J

We look forward to sharing all the details at our vote, complete documents will be available for review. Please join the Bargaining Team in voting YES.

You must be a member in good standing to vote. Please reach out to your Union representative Amy Radcliff at 509-340-7370 or any member of the Bargaining Team with questions.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” —Socrates

“This was best negotiations we’ve ever had!” —Monica Meloy, Perinatal Tech

“The worker’s passion moved this negotiation!” —Wendie Dyal, MLT

Ellensburg Fred Meyer Bargaining Update

On a nice sunny day in Ellensburg our Union Bargaining Team met with representatives from Kroger and put forth our initial proposals. The proposals we delivered are building on the strength of our union, from Spokane to Seattle. With the power of us workers inside the store, and our collective power as a union that helped us reach 39 TA’s (Tentative Agreements) with the employer! Although we are working through non-economic proposals at the moment, to achieve that many TA’s in a first contract is a great foundation for a strong contract.

Some of the TA’s include: Discipline language that prevents you from being disciplined without just cause. An article that protects workers from discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and more. Also we won great leave of absence language with protections on approved leave for up to 9 months. There are many more TA’s we achieved and are ready to continue bargaining to ensure we get a contract we can be proud of.

We have our next bargaining date set for July 22 and we are hoping to continue grabbing wins as we progress through the process. Please reach out to your union rep Tammerly Evans at 360-409-0586 or talk to a bargaining team member to get more information.

Zenith American Solutions Labor Management Committee: Call for Nominations

Labor Management Committee: Call for Nominations

With ournew contract ratified, Zenith has agreed to begin holding quarterly Labor/Management Committee (LMC) Meetings. These meetings are an opportunity for workers to meet with management on a regular basis to discuss workplace issues, raise concerns, and problem solve in a forum separate from contract negotiations or the grievance process.
Per our contract, we may have up to 5 members on the LMC, and now is your opportunity to nominate yourself or a coworker serve on the committee. This is an excellent opportunity to become more involved with your union and work to create positive change for your coworkers.To make a nomination please fill out the form.

Nominate yourself or a co-worker here >>

Nominations will be accepted until 8:00am Monday, July 29, and our first LMC meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 14 at 10:30am. If you have any questions, please reach out to your rep, Jack Crow at 206-436-6614.



On Monday, July 8, 2024, we kicked-off what we anticipate will be a pivotal week with MultiCare in our ongoing negotiations. As bargaining wrapped up today, we left feeling more encouraged that we may eventually reach agreement than we did going into the day. MultiCare’s newest offer includes some movement in both their economic and benefits proposals:

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Stop the Merger Coaltion of UFCW Locals Held Press Conference Following Kroger and Albertson' Announcement of Proposed Divested Stores

Stop the Merger Coaltion of UFCW Locals Held Press Conference Following Kroger and Albertson' Announcement of Proposed Divested Stores

"This proposed merger was a bad idea from the get-go and I'm glad our Washington State Attorney General is one of many going to court to stop it,” said Brendan Gallagher a meat wrapper at a Kroger-owned QFC in Seattle and member of UFCW 3000. “It's bad for our customers and bad for us as grocery store workers because it would raise prices, close stores, and lay off workers. These companies should do just the opposite: stop the merger, lower prices, hire more staff and open more stores."

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Seattle Children's Urgent Care MAs - Incremental Progress

We bargained again on Tuesday and were able to pass multiple proposals to management on issues including wages, certification pay, continuing education, and holiday scheduling rules.

While we were somewhat disheartened that management's proposals showed only incremental improvements on wages, we were able to make further progress in other areas.

We will meet again on the 16th and expect management to provide us with a new economic proposal.

"Today was productive, and we look forward to focusing in on our top economic issues"

— Wendy Rivas

Our Bargaining Team: Joelyn Martin, Angelica Acevedo Arreola, Wendy Rivas