PRMCE RN We walked the line to ensure safe staffing!

We Walked the Line to Ensure Safe Staffing – Our Community, Patients and Co-workers stood with us 

Over the last five days over a thousand nurses, family, friends, labor unions, elected officials, and community have walked the picket line with us to demand that Providence consider our common-sense staffing proposals in good faith.  

Over the last five days, one thing is for sure: Providence has heard us loud and clear. 

Watch the strike round-up slideshow! >>

This morning, 11/19, we return to work with the hope that Providence will engage in meaningful bargaining and really listen to the solutions we are demanding. If you have any issues with your return to work, call your Union Representative Anthony Cantu or the Member Resource Center at 1-888-210-3000. 

Throughout the ten-day strike notice period and throughout the ULP strike, Providence chose not to negotiate. But now, with our ULP strike concluded, they've expressed an interest in returning to the bargaining table. This time, as we resume negotiations, a federal mediator will join us to facilitate a fair and productive process. 

While we await the negotiation date, it's essential to plan our next steps and reflect on the impact of our ULP strike. Join us for a strike captain meeting on Tuesday, November 21st, at 8 pm to debrief the strike and discuss next steps. 

If you completed 20 hours of strike duty and filled out your W9 form completely, your strike benefit check will be sent by Friday November 24 via regular mail to your address.  If you did not complete your W9 form, please fill it out and arrange a time to submit your form in-person to UFCW staff. >>

“We are not going let our community suffer—that’s not what we’re here for. Providence has to step up. They need to understand: all that we ask is that you come to the table with open minds, open hearts, open ears, open eyes. Let’s get this done so we can get back to work.” -Juan Stout, bargaining team member 


“We all could have made the decision to believe Providence when they said the best they could do is what we’ve been experiencing for the past year and a half, and that that’s what they wanted for us in the future. We disagree. They can do better and we need them to do better.” -Kelli Johnson, bargaining team member 

Our journey is far from over. Together, let's persist, let's continue to stand united, and let's keep pushing until we secure the changes we're fighting for. 

Strike Captain Meeting (& open to all nurses!)- Tuesday 11/21 8pm via zoom 

  • Debrief Strike- lessons learned, feedback, what went well and could be improved in future 

  • Discuss Next Steps 

UFCW 3000 Podcast Episode 10: Voices from the strike line at Providence

It's our first STRIKE EPISODE! UFCW 3000 member and self-taught podcast host Michaela (plus Episode 1 guest Kristina) drove out to both picket lines at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, where nurses have been out on an unfair labor practice strike since 6AM on Tuesday 11/14. Hear directly from these striking nurses about what's at stake in their fight for a fair contract that respects their dedication and supports safe patient care for their community. To hear more from Providence Everett nurses, check out Episode 7: “It’s your hospital, it’s your health care, it’s your community” for Michaela's interviews with nurse bargaining team members.

UFCW 3000 union shop steward Michaela is always ready to answer fellow members’ questions about their union. She’s also a devoted murder podcast listener. Put those interests together, and she decided to start a union podcast to get all her coworkers’ questions and her own questions answered, and to meet as many people as possible who could share what it means to be a part of UFCW 3000. (No murder on this podcast, only solidarity!)

*The information shared on this podcast is offered by rank and file union member leaders of UFCW 3000. There may be inaccuracies or misstatements shared, as members will be speaking from the lenses of their perspectives and life experiences. While members are doing their best to share good information, we can make no claims to 100% accuracy and this podcast should not be construed as legal advice.

PRMCE RN Plans for our return to work

Our ULP strike will end on Sunday November 19 at 6am. You should receive a message from your supervisor with instructions on your return to work if you are scheduled to work on November 19th. 
If your November 19 shift start time is before 6am, please report to work at 6am. If your November 19 shift end time is between 6am to 7am, please report to work at 6am unless your supervisor tells you otherwise. 
We encourage you to join us from 4am to 6am to help walk nurses back to work and finish our ULP strike strong.We stand united and will continue to be united until PRMCE bargains in good faith and we reach a contract which addresses the staffing needs of our patients and community! 
We will send out a bargaining update on Sunday November 19 with details of our next steps. 

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Craig White

Craig White

Craig came to Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE) a year and a half ago. Craig might be relatively new to Prov Everett, but he is not new to the staffing labor/management committees required at hospitals. Craig was also on a staffing committee at his last hospital and knows how important it is for nurses to fight for the proper staffing levels to ensure patient safety and nurse longevity on the job. When he quickly joined his staffing committee at PRMCE, he showed how passionate he is about patient care and proactively securing the working conditions that make safety possible.

As we write this, the nurses at PRMCE are less than 24 hours away from an unfair labor practice strike, where the main issue is Providence’s failure to bargain in good faith over safe staffing conditions. Since 2021 staffing levels have deteriorated with 600 nurses leaving the hospital, and Providence failing to attract new staff to replace them. This is a crisis that has put patients and nurses at risk as quality patient care eroded. Providence has so far refused to listen to the nurse-led bargaining committee to fix this problem.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 at 6 a.m. 1,300 nurses will be going on strike and forming picket lines at both the Colby and Pacific locations of PRMCE. If you are one of the nurses who will be on strike, stay up to date with the latest info on our Strike page. If you are a UFCW 3000 member who works at another employer you can pledge your support here, RSVP to our Candlelight Vigil, or just show up at either PRMCE location to join the picket (coffee and doughnuts are always a plus on a picket line)!

PRMCE RN 5 days until ULP strike!

We will begin our ULP strike on Tuesday November 14 at 6am at Pacific/Pavilion Campus and Colby Campus!

We made our position clear by an over 97% strike authorization vote - that Providence had to either come to the table and in good faith consider our common-sense solutions to the major issues facing our coworkers and our patients, or we were ready to engage in a ULP Strike. Providence chose to continue bargaining in bad faith. Going on strike is not a choice we make lightly, but it is evident that we must act to obtain a contract.

Now let’s stand together for a fair process and good contract for our patients and community. To have a successful strike we need nurses to attend the following events:

November 10 Strike Captain meeting (open to all nurses) at 8:00pm to discuss strike logistics for November 14: Click here Friday, November 10 @ 8pm to join the Zoom Meeting ID: 813 7325 4464 Passcode: 757437

November 11 Neighborhood Leaflet Canvass from 10am to 12pm, meet at Drew Nielsen Park on 13 St. and Colby Ave. Bring your walking shoes!

November 14 ULP Strike Day 1: ULP Strike begins at 6am- wear blue and yellow scrubs!

November 15 ULP Strike Day 2:  “Patients over Sponsorships”

November 16 ULP Strike Day 3: Candlelight Vigil for Patient Safety at 5:30pm at Drew Nielsen Park 13th St. and Colby Ave

November 17 ULP Strike Day 4: Adverse Events Action

November 18 ULP Strike Day 5: Thankful for RNs

November 19 ULP Strike Ends at 6am

For the most up-to-date information, go to

PRESS RELEASE: Providence Everett Nurses with UFCW 3000 to Strike November 14

Providence Everett Nurses at their press conference announcing the strike


Find a livestream video of the press conference here >>

Everett, WA – After bargaining with management at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett since April, UFCW 3000 nurses publicly announced an unfair labor practice strike at the hospital starting at 6:00 a.m. on November 14 and continuing until 6:00 a.m. November 19.

At a press conference this morning, nurses, union leadership, and community leaders spoke out about the need for a fair union contract for nurses in order to address chronic staffing shortages at the hospital.

“We are distressed that it has come to this step,” said Juan Stout, emergency department nurse at Providence Everett, union bargaining team member, and executive board member of UFCW 3000. “Nurses take our job of caring for this community extremely seriously. We see you and your families through some of the most difficult moments of your lives. But while we don’t take the idea of a strike lightly, at some point our responsibility to patients means more than just the medicine and care we can give on a single shift… We have to take a stand for our patients.”

Talks with Providence ended this past Friday night (11/3) without reaching a resolution. The union has given a 10-day strike notice to the hospital and reiterated a desire to come to a contract agreement, but only if Providence can cease committing unfair labor practices, come to the table, and in good faith consider practical long-term solutions to the serious safety issues nurses are raising.

“Providence has not considered our proposals in good faith throughout this process, they’ve rejected proposals we previously agreed on, and they’ve obstructed and undermined our bargaining process, stopping us from finding a resolution,” said Kristen Crowder, labor and delivery nurse at Providence Everett and a union bargaining team member. “I hope that our strike is a wake-up call to Providence executives, and we look forward to returning to the bargaining table when they are ready and willing to come to the table and bargain in good faith to help us resolve our staffing issues.”

“If nurses have to be on the outside rather than at the bedside, then you know something’s wrong, and we have to fix this for the long-term,” said Faye Guenther, UFCW 3000 president. “All it takes is a fair contract, and we can only achieve that if Providence acts in good faith... They have the resources to invest in this community, and they certainly have a responsibility to do so.”

Nurses were joined by local community leaders who made clear that the community supports its nurses and joins the call for Providence to bargain fairly.

“Everett’s firefighters stand with the nurses of UFCW 3000 in their fight for safe staffing at Providence Medical Center,” said Don Huffman, Everett firefighter and president of IAFF Local 46. He outlined the impact of Providence’s staffing crisis on first responders, who may wait hours for the patients they transport to the hospital to be admitted and receive care. “When Everett firefighters are tied up at the hospital, fire engines and paramedic units are pulled into the city from the surrounding areas to respond to calls, leaving the communities that they serve with reduced fire protection. The staffing emergency at Providence hospital is an emergency to all of us.”

“The Sisters of Providence who started the first permanent hospital in this state did so out of their faith-based values of compassion and charity, and the nurses of Providence continue this noble tradition in their work to care for the sick and the injured,” said Pastor Carol Jensen with Faith Action Network. “The Faith Action Network is proud to stand with the Providence nurses of UFCW Local 3000 today as they commit to strike, so that Providence will negotiate in good faith to improve the conditions of those who care for the most vulnerable in our communities. The commitment of these nurses is to make this a healthier, safer community for all of us.”

UFCW Member Stories: Juan Stout, Providence Everett Nurse & Activist

Juan Stout

Juan Stout has been a nurse for 15 years and has worked all of them at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE) at the Colby location. As of this writing, November 6, 2023, PRMCE registered nurses are on the 3rd day of a 10-day countdown to an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike. At 6 a.m. on November 14th, nurses will form picket lines at both the Colby and Pacific Avenue campuses of PRMCE to begin their 5-day strike.

Juan has served on four union negotiating committees, including this one. The central issue in these PRMCE contract negotiations is the staffing crisis that began during the pandemic and has worsened since then. Nurses in some departments at the hospital are working under a nearly impossible patient ratio of 6 or 8 patients to just 1 nurse. Juan and the bargaining committee have shown management at Providence that this is unsustainable and has to change.

Patients and their families have come to us about the quality of care eroding at Prov Everett. This is a problem that must be fixed! But Providence Everett refuses to invest in a contract that will help recruit and retain nurses and other core staff .”

Juan and his coworkers know that this fight affects everyone who lives in and around Everett. They are asking for everyone’s support during the upcoming ULP strike, which unfortunately seems inevitable because Providence has refused to bargain during the 10-day waiting period. Juan and the other PRMCE nurses are prepared and ready to fight for patient safety, and they need our help. You can pledge your support online at our community support page. Juan also asks people to “reach out to hospital management and share their frustration with the poor staffing and sub-standard care they received.”

Juan comes from a family that has always been leaders in their community. He grew up in Lexington Kentucky where Juan’s father was the first African American to head a high school sports athletic association. Juan recently traveled back to Kentucky to accept a posthumous award on behalf of his father when he was inducted into the Lexington African American Hall of Fame.

Juan moved from Lexington when he was 24 to South Carolina and was a teacher for 15 years. Eventually, Juan went back to school to get his nursing degree. He has been a shop steward for 12 years and serves on the UFCW 3000 Executive Board. He loves educating his coworkers about their rights under the union contract and getting them to take action to improve their working conditions and the care that patients receive. He also has his own photography business on the side, “a wonderful hobby that has become a side hustle.”

He continues to educate and organize his coworkers for the strike and whatever it takes to get a fair contract and a better Providence Regional Medical Center for everyone.

Candlelight vigil for patient safety at Providence Everett

Join nurses, community, and patients at this candlelight vigil. Support nurses in their upcoming ULP strike for patient safety. Nurses are fighting for their community and patients. Show Providence we stand united!

November 16 at 5:30PM Vigil at the Drew Nielsen Neighborhood Park (Colby Ave & 13th St, Everett, WA 98201). Vigil begins at 6PM.

PRESS ADVISORY: Nurses at Providence Everett Announce Unfair Labor Practice Strike, Set Strike Dates – Press Conference Monday 11/6

Contact: Anna Minard,, (206) 436-6587


WHO: Providence nurses, union leaders, community allies

WHAT: Announcement of impending nurses strike at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett

WHEN: Monday, November 6, 11:00 AM

WHERE: UFCW 3000 Strike Headquarters – Everett Labor Temple, 2810 Lombard Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Everett, WA – Over 1,300 nurses at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett are set to walk out on an unfair labor practice strike at the hospital, where chronic understaffing continues to threaten the safety and wellbeing of patients and their nurses. 

Nurses will hold a press conference at 11 a.m. on Monday (11/6) to announce strike dates and discuss the issues behind the strike. Speakers will include nurses, UFCW 3000 union leadership, and community allies supporting the nurses. 

The UFCW 3000 union bargaining team and Providence management finished a final bargaining session today (Friday 11/3) at 5 p.m. without reaching a deal to address nurses’ core issue of patient safety, which is continually undermined by inadequate staffing levels at the hospital and the inability to recruit or retain qualified nurses. 

Nurses at the hospital voted on October 19 to authorize a strike; the strike vote carried with 97% approval. 



After many months of bargaining over a new union contract, Providence management has refused to address the staffing issues plaguing the busy hospital. Hundreds of nurses have left in a mass exodus in recent years; those remaining are demanding accountability from the hospital’s management to create a safer environment for nurses and patients. 

Nurses primary demand is that hospital management engage in good-faith bargaining and come to mutual agreement on a contract that includes provisions to ensure safer staffing levels as well as transparency and accountability measures meant to renew community trust in the local hospital. 

While striking is a last resort, dedicated nurses have been left with no other choice to address the unfair labor practices during bargaining and ongoing safety issues. Providence Everett nurses have been raising understaffing and safety concerns for years, and were instrumental in advocating for new statewide hospital staffing standards that were passed by the legislature in 2023. 

Providence management has conceded that nurses’ wages are not competitive, meaning that staff continue to leave for better staffing levels and higher wages at other area hospitals, continuing the vicious cycle of low staffing. 

The hospital is currently being sued for wrongful death after a patient became unresponsive in the ER lobby and died after allegedly waiting over 4 hours for medical attention.

PRMCE RN Notice Issued: 10 DAYS until nurse ULP Strike!

ALERT: 10 Day Notice for our 5 day ULP Strike Given Today!

We are nurses, advocates for patient safety, and the backbone of Providence Everett (PRMCE). We made our position clear by an over 97% vote- that Providence had to either come to the table and in good faith consider our common-sense solutions to the major issues facing our coworkers and patients, or we were ready to engage in a ULP Strike.

Providence in bad faith dismissed previously agreed upon agreements solely based on our shift away from expedited negotiations. This not only hindered the bargaining process but also raised doubts about their commitment to engage in good-faith negotiations.

We interpret these actions as punitive measures on the part of Providence Everett, including the refusal to honor previously established tentative agreements from expedited bargaining. These punitive measures, in our view, constitute an unfair labor practice.

After a long day of bargaining the next step is clear: the time to stand up is now!  
It's time to make our voices heard and demand that Providence bargain in good faith.
Today we gave our 10-day notice for a ULP strike. Our strike will start November 14 at 6 a.m.

In response to our efforts to rebuild trust and enhance patient safety within our community, Providence said: They are not interested.

In response to ensure safe staffing, Providence responded: They are not interested.

In response to fairly compensating us and to ensure we are leaders in the industry, Providence responded: They are not interested.

Our Bargaining Team has put forward comprehensive proposals, which included safe staffing accountability, night shift nurse longevity, community responsibility, competitive wage increases, recognition for years of experience, 12-month step progression, and retention bonuses. We made these suggestions to ensure that we can provide the best care possible for our patients.  

Unfortunately, PRMCE rejected our common sense solutions and instead has committed unfair labor practices by not bargaining in good faith.

We urge all nurses at PRMCE to stand up for safe staffing and a contract that attracts and retains staff. Starting from November 14 at 6am, do not report to work, and join our ULP strike line. Sign up for a strike shift on to ensure that our collective action is organized and effective.

Important events over the next 10 days:

November 4-13: Union Staff will be at Colby Campus or Pavilion Bistro Campus daily from 5am– 8am & 11am- 2pm to assist with strike paperwork and strike shift sign up

November 6: Press Conference at 11am @ Strike Headquarters: 2810 Lombard St. Everett 98201

November 7: Strike Picket Making Party from 4 – 6pm @ Strike Headquarters: 2810 Lombard St. Everett 98201

Leaflet grocery stores by PRMCE  from 3-5pm Grocery Store Leaflet (RSVP with Rep Anthony Cantu)

8pm Strike Captain Meeting via Zoom w/ ULP Training

Nov 8: Telephone Town Hall Strike Q&A with UFCW 3000 President and Nurses at 7:30pm (You will receive a call from UFCW 3000 at 7:30pm, just pick up the phone!)

November 11: Neighborhood leaflet @ 11am (RSVP with Anthony Cantu)

November 14: 1st day of the ULP Strike @ 6AM

To receive strike benefits including emergency family resources, nurses will need to complete a W9 form with Union Staff. We will be providing physical forms in the Hospital with the sections highlighted that need to be completed and signed. Originals must be returned to Union staff. Come to the Colby Campus or Pavilion Bistro Campus daily from 5am– 8am and 11am –2pm.

Our commitment to patient safety and our colleagues is unwavering, and it's time for PRMCE to take action that aligns with our priorities of providing above standard and safe care to our community. We will strike for what is right, and we will prevail!

Let's strike, united and unyielding, on November 14th, and together, we will ensure that our community and our patients’ voices are heard!

PRMCE RN Emergency Bargaining Update Meeting on November 3 at 8pm

On November 3, we will be in negotiations with PRMCE. By the end of that day, we hope to either reach a mutually acceptable agreement, but in the absence of one we will be prepared to issue a 10-day strike notice. We are holding an emergency bargaining update meeting on November 3 at 8pm after negotiations with the Employer via Zoom for strike captains. The meeting is open to all nurses who wish to join us!

Join Zoom Meeting November 3 @8PM here >>

Meeting ID:814 0844 3293Passcode:000410
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,81408443293# 

Update on Strike Benefit Forms:

We previously shared that nurses need to complete a W4 form , I9 form, and share identification documents to receive Union Strike Benefits. We have now been able to simplify the process to one single W9 form! This also means the benefit will not be taxed.

To receive Union Strike Benefits, nurses will need to complete a W9 form with Union Staff. We will be providing physical forms in the Hospital with the sections highlighted that need to be completed and signed. Originals must be returned into Union staff. We will be sending out days/times staff will be at both Hospital campuses. If you already completed the W4/I9, sorry for duplication! We will need you to complete the W9 form. We apologize for the inconvenience.

November 2: Strike Paperwork @ Colby 5:30 am – 2pm and at Pavilion: 9:30 am – 2pm
November 3: Strike Paperwork @ Colby 5:30 am – 2pm and at Pavilion: 11am – 2pm

PRMCE RN We prepare to strike!

On Sunday, October 29, we will be going door to door around Colby and Pacific/Pavilion Campus to inform everyone about our upcoming strike and distribute yard signs. Join us at 11 am!

Event Info: Everett Canvass/Lawn Sign Distribution: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm PDT - Milkhouse Coffee Company, 4405 Rucker Ave, Everett, WA 98203.

Join us for a strike sign-making event on Monday, October 30, from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Snohomish County Labor Temple.

Bring your children, family, and friends to our "Spooktacular Sign-Making Soiree"! You can learn about effective strike tactics against PRMCE, enjoy treats for your kids, and make your strike sign.

Event Info: Spooktacular Sign-Making Soiree: 4 pm to 8 pm at the Snohomish County Labor Temple, 2810 Lombard St., Everett, WA 98201.

Strike Captain Meeting (open to all nurses)

Event Info: Every Tuesday at 8 pm via this link:

Upcoming Events:

October 31: Strike Paperwork @ Colby cafeteria and Pacific bistro Campus at 11am - 2pm   

November 1: Strike Paperwork @ Colby cafeteria and Pacific bistro Campus at 11am - 2pm 

November 2: Kaiser Permanente on Strike in Everett -join the line!

November 2: Strike Paperwork @ Colby cafeteria and Pacific bistro Campus at 11am - 2pm

November 3: Bargaining resumes with PRMCE

Recent important updates:

PRMCE RNs From Scrubs to Strike: What's Next?

From Scrubs to Strike: What's Next?

On October 19, an overwhelming majority of nurses authorized a strike. This strike authorization gives our Registered Nurse UFCW 3000 Bargaining Team authority to issue a strike notice. It's crucial to understand that a strike isn't merely a work stoppage; it's a collective assertion of our rights and our commitment to the well-being of our patients.

With this strike authorization, we now possess considerable leverage. On November 3, we will return to the bargaining table -one final opportunity for PRMCE Management to show a genuine willingness to amend their proposals and avert a strike. Our objective extends beyond strike readiness; we are earnestly seeking a swift agreement on a fair contract that serves the best interests of our community and patients.  

As we approach the bargaining table on November 3, we insist that PRMCE engage in good-faith negotiations and make substantial improvements to their proposals. These improvements encompass areas such as: safe staffing accountability, night shift nurse longevity, community responsibility, competitive wage increases, recognition for years of experience, 12-month step progression, and retention bonuses.

Should a resolution not be reached on November 3, we will issue a strike notice.

From now until November 3, we will not remain silent. We are actively involved in community actions to shed light on the staffing crisis at PRMCE and the hospital's questionable bargaining practices. On October 25, we met with the leadership of North King and Snohomish County International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), who have pledged their support and readiness to take action. Furthermore, we are diligently finalizing strike logistics over the next couple weeks.

Preparing for the Strike:

Nurses who volunteer for strike duty for a minimum of 20 hours per week will be eligible for union strike benefits of $500. All nurses, including probationary nurses, nurse residents, and per diem nurses, are eligible to participate in the strike.

*Updates to Strike Benefits forms! We previously had shared that nurses need to complete a W4, I9, and share ID to receive Strike Benefits. We were able to simplify the process, with one single form (W9) and this also means it will not be taxed.

To receive Strike Benefits, nurses will need to complete a W9 form with Union Staff. We will be providing physical forms in the Hospital with the sections highlighted that need to be completed and signed. Originals must be returned into Union staff. We will be sending out days/times staff will be at both Hospital campuses.

*If you already completed the W4/I9, sorry for duplication! We will need you to complete the W9. Thank you!

To avoid delays in receiving your strike benefits, please complete your forms prior to the start of the strike. Strike checks for nurses will be mailed to the addresses on file with the union .

It is vital that your contact information, including your personal email, cell phone, and mailing address are up-to-date with the union so you receive important bargaining updates, strike information, and vote notices.Update your information here >>

UFCW 3000 maintains a hardship fund to assist members facing particularly challenging financial situations.

Upcoming Actions:

October 27: Strike Paperwork @ Colby campus cafeteria from 5:30am - 8am and 5pm - 8pm. In the Colby cafeteria & Pacific campus bistro from 11am - 2pm

October 29: Everett Canvass & Community Lawn Sign Distribution:11:00am - 2:00pm at the Milkhouse Coffee Company, 4405 Rucker Ave, Everett, WA 98203

October 30: Strike Paperwork @ Colby campus cafeteria and Pacific Campus bistro from 11am - 2pm 

October 30: Spooktacular Sign-Making Soiree from 4pm - 8pm. Join us for a strike sign making event on October 30, from 4pm - 8pm at the Snohomish County Labor Temple. Bring your children, family, and friends to our Spooktacular Sign-Making Soiree! You can learn about effective strike tactics against PRMCE, enjoy treats for your kids, and make your Strike Sign.

October 30: Contract Expires!

October 31: Attend the Strike Captain Meetings (open to all nurses) every Tuesday at 8pm >>

October 31: Strike Paperwork @ Colby cafeteria and Pacific bistro Campus at 11am - 2pm                 

November 1: ​Strike Paperwork @ Colby cafeteria and Pacific bistro Campus at 11am - 2pm 

November 2: Kaiser Permanente on Strike in Everett -join the line!

November 2: Strike Paperwork @ Colby cafeteria and Pacific bistro Campus at 11am - 2pm

November 3: Bargaining resumes with PRMCE

PRMCE RNs Nurses overwhelmingly vote to authorize a strike!

“Today we showed that nurses are united for patients’ safety and safe staffing. Providence needs to improve their proposals and show that they care about their nursing staff and patients and the community.” - Our Union RN Bargaining Team 

Today we have taken a unified stance by unanimously authorizing a strike and voting against PRMCE’s latest proposal. We turned out for each other and our community- 97% of nurses who voted authorized a strike and voted down PRMCE’s proposal.  This strike authorization empowers our RN UFCW 3000 bargaining team to call for a strike if deemed necessary. It's important to recognize that a strike represents not just a pause in our work but a collective assertion of our rights and the well-being of our patients.

We are prepared to take this action in response to PRMCE's unfair labor practice, which involve bargaining in bad faith. Our initial step will be to request another bargaining session from PRMCE and if we are unable to reach a recommended offer on that date, we will issue a 10-day strike notice when we deem strategic. Federal law mandates this notice  to ensure that patient care remains unharmed. The mere act of strike authorization itself is a forceful message, compelling Providence to reevaluate their position and acknowledge our proposals.

Our primary demand is that PRMCE engage in good-faith bargaining and cease obstructing the negotiation process. The possibility of averting a strike rests on Providence's ability to present a contract agreement that meets our needs, including provisions for safe staffing accountability, night shift nurse longevity, community responsibility, competitive wage increases, recognition for years of experience, 12-month step progression, and retention bonuses.

During a ULP  strike, we will refrain from reporting to all of our assigned shifts and PRMCE is prohibited by law from hiring permanent replacements. We will strike for a designated amount of days and this will be communicated to all nurses and the Community in a 10 day notice that will include all logistical details and next steps.

All nurses are eligible to strike, including fellows, residents, per diem, and probationary nurses. Nurses who volunteer for strike duty for at least 20 hours per week will be eligible for Union strike benefits of $500. Strike checks will be mailed to nurses’ addresses on file. Additionally, UFCW 3000 maintains a hardship fund to assist members facing particularly challenging financial situations. It is crucial to ensure that your contact information, including email, cell phone, and address, is up to date with the Union to receive updates and vote notices >>

In the coming weeks, be prepared that PRMCE will likely  continue to send intimidating communications, hold meetings, send video messages, post for travel nurses, and put out public notices to the media. STAY UNITED- our participation and unity is what will win safer staffing for us, the next generation of nurses and our patients. It is vital to remember that we have the right to strike- and that our Community is standing with us. If you have questions or would like to sign up to be a Strike Captain on your unit, please notify Union Representative, Anthony Cantu, 206-436-6566.

Open Strike Captain meetings will be held every Tuesday night at 8pm over zoom until we reach an agreement- please join us!

It is important that we stand in solidarity and continue fighting for a contract which will improve staffing, patient safety, and the future of our profession

Why we strike: Q and A

A strike isn't just a halt in our work; it's a collective stand for our rights and the well-being of our patients. According to federal law, we have the right to strike, but we must give the hospital a 10-day notice to ensure patient care isn't compromised.

The prospect of a strike isn't just a last resort; it's a powerful tool that can drive change. It forces Providence to reconsider its stance and acknowledge our proposals. The mere threat of a strike can be as influential as the strike itself, but for it to be effective, we must show that we are united and ready to take action.

The initial step involves voting for strike authorization, allowing our nurse bargaining team to initiate a strike. Throughout negotiations, our team assesses the strike's potential impact. There might be instances where a strike is averted as our team deems a ratifiable contract agreement achievable. Strikes fall into two categories: economic and unfair labor practice (ULP). Economic strikes center around concerns like wage increases proposed by the Employer. In contrast, ULP strikes address issues such as the Employer's involvement in unfair labor practices, such as bargaining in bad faith.

The strike's main goal is to pressure the Employer to accept our proposals. In an economic strike, we stay on strike until a tentative contract agreement is achieved. Then, we resume work and vote on the agreement. During a ULP strike, we strike for a designated period. In both situations we will ask to engage in ongoing contract negotiations with the aim of securing a tentative agreement, and subsequently resume work and then hold a vote on the agreement.

Having an updated email, cell phone, and address is vital to making sure you receive updates and vote notices. Your address on file is where the Union will mail Strike benefit checks.

Make sure your contact information is updated with the Union! >>



The Executive Board of UFCW 3000 will vote on strike benefits for nurses who take part in strike duty. Strike benefits will not fully replace our wages but will help. They have approved strike benefits of $500 for nurses, members and non-members, who picket a minimum 20 hours a week. Our Union also has a hardship fund to assist members whose families face particularly difficult financial situations. Additionally, food assistance and other financial assistance may be available through community organizations and other unions. Notify your creditors prior to falling behind. Communicate your situation and explore options for reduced payments or refinancing. Prioritize your expenses, placing essentials like mortgage/ rent, utilities, insurance, car payments, gas, child support, and alimony at the top.


If the employer chooses to lockout nurses they have to lockout all nurses including non-union members. Workers locked out by their employers are generally eligible for unemployment benefits. The Employment Security Department will determine eligibility for unemployment benefits on a case by case basis.


There is a lag month under your insurance plan that would keep your insurance through the end of the month.


The duration of a strike is a strategic decision made by the bargaining team. The 10-day notice given to the Employer would likely be for a 3 or 5 day ULP Strike. The key to a successful strike is a united work force and support from our allies and the patients in the community.


A large active picket line is vital to a successful strike. Every nurse needs to participate—members of UFCW 3000 or not—to prevent the facility from operating as usual. The more nurses we have out on the line, the harder it is for people to cross it. Being at the picket is also the best way to get the latest information on how the strike is going and to show the community that healthcare workers are united in the strike.


There are no sanctions imposed on nurses who cross the picket line or choose not to strike. Crossing a picket line will undermine our attempts as nurses to provide a better framework for the future growth of our profession and achieve our negotiating goals. It also erodes the camaraderie in the workplace, prolongs the strike, and negatively impacts our efforts to work as a team once the strike is settled.


No, you will not be required to individually notify your manager. Our Union will be providing strike notice to the Hospital if our bargaining committee decides to invoke a strike. If you feel compelled to give them an answer tell them, “Yes I will be striking and standing with my bargaining team’s decision to strike.”

PRMCE RN Online Strike Authorization Vote October 19!

Online Contract Vote to reject Providence's latest proposal and authorize a Strike: October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm

On Thursday, October 19 at 6:30am, you will receive a secure email with your unique log-in credentials. Because this is a secure online vote, it is important that your personal contact information is up-to-date with our Union!

Update your Personal Contact Information >>

Only members is good standing are eligible to vote. If you have not signed your UFCW 3000 Membership Application yet , please make sure that is done as soon as possible! 

Link to UFCW 3000 Membership Application >>

We will also review the Employer's proposal in person on the Colby and Pacific campuses on the same day as the online contract vote, October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm.We will have copies of the Employer's proposal on hand as well as Bargaining Team members and Union staff to help answer questions before you cast your online vote. Please Join us!

While we recognize that negotiations can be challenging, we urge our members to consider these issues carefully. Our Bargaining Team recommends a "NO" vote on Providence's last proposal, and also recommends a "YES" vote to authorize a strike. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it is necessary to secure the best possible terms.

We believe that together, we can find a solution that benefits our healthcare workers, our patients, and our community. Let's continue to advocate for what is fair and just while maintaining the highest standards of patient care.

Our RN Bargaining Team: Julie Bynum, Juan Stout, Stephanie Sausman, Carrie Rimmel, Kelli Johnson, Kristen Crowder, Trevor Gjendem

Important upcoming meetings:

Online Strike Captain Meeting: October 17 at 8pm
Click here to launch meeting >>

In Person Q&A and Proposal Review: October 19

Join us in-person to ask questions about Providence’s proposal and ULP strikes. We will be at the Colby and Pacific campuses handing out ULP stickers and yellow bandanas to show Providence we stand united against their proposal!
Colby Campus in MOB Pilchuck from 6am to 9am; 11am-2pm; 5pm-8pm
Pacific Campus in PAV 5 from 6am to 9am; 11am-2pm; 5pm-8pm

After 20 hours of negotiations on October 10, Providence Everett put forward a proposal which did not fully address our priorities and places us behind nurses at Swedish (Providence) Edmonds in 2025 and 2026.Throughout our negotiations, we have clearly stated to Providence that our priorities are to obtain competitive wage increases, staffing language, recognition of past experience, and length of service adjustments. This is a crucial issue, as it affects not just our current staffing conditions but also our ability to retain and recruit talented nurses in the future.

In expedited bargaining from April to September 2023, Providence Everett introduced higher across-the-board pay raises than their proposal from the early hours of October 11. As we shifted to the regular bargaining process on September 26, we encountered punitive actions on the part of Providence Everett. These punitive measures encompassed the refusal to honor previously established tentative agreements. We view this as an unfair labor practice (ULP). By dismissing these agreements solely on the grounds of our shift away from expedited negotiations, it not only frustrated the bargaining process but also cast doubts on their willingness to engage in good faith bargaining.

We need further action to move Providence towards a proposal which will retain and recruit nurses. We are recommending authorizing a ULP strike and voting down Providence’s last proposal. Below is a summary of the key differences between our proposals and Providence's proposal:

Our Community is standing in solidarity with us!
Sign and Share the Community Pledge to Support Nurses on Strike! >>

IAFF Local 46 (City of Everett Firefighters) / Pilchuck UniSer WEA / Teamsters 38 / SPEEA / Machinists District 75 / Sheet Metal Local 66 / ILWU Local 32 / LiUNA Local 292 / OPEIU Local 8 / SEIU 1199NW / WSNA / WFSE 1020 (Everett Community College)  /  Snohomish County DSA / Seattle NOW

Everett City Councilmembers:
Mary Fosse (District 1) / Paula Rhyne (District 2) / Brenda Sonecipher (At Large) / Judy Tuohy (At Large) / Don Schwab (District 3) / Liz Vogeli (District 4)

Snohomish County Councilmembers:
Jared Mead / Nate Nehring / Sam Low / Megan Dunn / and Strom Peterson / State Senator June Robinson.

State Legislator
State Senator June Robinson

PRMCE RN Online Contract Vote Scheduled: Vote no on Providence’s proposal on October 19!

After more than 20 hours of negotiations on October 10, we find ourselves at a crossroads with Providence Everett. We entered these discussions with the goal of securing a fair and competitive agreement. We believed that such an agreement would include measures like competitive wage increases, staffing premium pay, recognition of past experience, and length of service adjustments, among others.

We achieved a significant milestone in addressing persistent staffing challenges by embracing a pioneering language on binding arbitration. This innovative approach empowers both the dedicated nurses of Providence Everett and the mediator to collaboratively devise resolutions for longstanding staffing issues, with the mediator's decision being legally binding. This breakthrough is poised to usher in a new era of effective staffing solutions, ultimately breaking free from the cycle of inaction.

However, the proposal put forward by Providence does not fully address our priorities and places us behind nurses at Swedish Edmonds. This a crucial issue, as it affects not only our current conditions but also our ability to retain and recruit talented nurses in the future.

Our proposal, on the other hand, seeks to put us on a more equal footing with other hospitals and provides fair and necessary benefits, such as a staffing premium for those working in understaffed units.

In expedited bargaining, Providence Everett introduced higher across-the-board pay raises than their proposal from the early hours of October 11. As we shifted to the regular bargaining process, we encountered punitive actions on the part of Providence Everett. These punitive measures encompassed the refusal to honor previously established tentative agreements. We view this as an unjust labor practice. By dismissing these agreements solely on the grounds of our shift away from expedited negotiations, it not only impeded the bargaining process but also cast doubts on their willingness to engage in good faith bargaining.

Below is a summary of the key differences between our proposals and Providence's proposal:

Online Contract Vote to reject Providence's latest proposal and authorize a Strike: October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm

On Thursday, October 19 at 6:30am, you will receive a secure email with your unique log-in credentials. Because this is a secure online vote, it is important that your personal contact information is up-to-date with our Union!

Update your Personal Contact Information >>

Only members is good standing are eligible to vote. If you have not signed your UFCW 3000 Membership Application yet , please make sure that is done as soon as possible! 

Link to UFCW 3000 Membership Application >>

We will also review the Employer's proposal in person on the Colby and Pacific campuses on the same day as the online contract vote, October 19 from 6:30am to 8:30pm. We will have copies of the Employer's proposal on hand as well as Bargaining Team members and Union staff to help answer questions before you cast your online vote. Please Join us!

While we recognize that negotiations can be challenging, we urge our members to consider these issues carefully. Our Bargaining Team recommends a "NO" vote on Providence's last proposal, and also recommends a "YES" vote to authorize a strike. This is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it is necessary to secure the best possible terms.

We believe that together, we can find a solution that benefits our healthcare workers, our patients, and our community. Let's continue to advocate for what is fair and just while maintaining the highest standards of patient care.

Online Emergency Strike Captain Meetings:

October 12 at 8pm
All nurses whether a strike captain or not are encouraged to attend! 
Click here to launch meeting >>

October 17 8pm
Strike Captain Meeting 
Click here to launch meeting >>

“We made significant movement and Providence at the last minute told us that operationally they cannot agree to a staffing premium. We couldn’t disagree more with Providence. A staffing premium along with our other proposals are vital for resolving Providence’s operational issues.”- Our RN Bargaining Team: Julie Bynum, Juan Stout, Stephanie Sausman, Carrie Rimmel, Kelli Johnson, Kristen Crowder, Trevor Gjendem

PRMCE RN Mark October 19 on your calendars!

Mark October 19 on your calendars!

Please save the date: October 19 is a pivotal day for us all.We are returning to the bargaining table on October 10 and 11, with a focus on securing a fair contract that addresses our core concerns. Our primary bargaining priorities revolve around patient safety through improved staffing and competitive wage increases. There are several critical items still under discussion, including anniversary increase progression, staffing language, across-the-board wage increases, premiums, internal equity pay, annual market wage reviews, and recognition for years of experience.

Providence will be responding to these outstanding items, and given the progress we achieved in our last bargaining session on September 26, we have reason to be hopeful about reaching a contract agreement. Although it's important to acknowledge that Providence has committed Unfair Labor Practices during our bargaining process, which has frustrated the process.

In the event we reach an agreement on October 11, we will hold an in-person vote on the contract on October 19. However, if we do not reach a contract agreement, we will be taking the necessary steps toward a strike authorization vote on the same day, October 19.
Stay tuned for more details about the in-person vote in the coming week.To be eligible to vote, you must be a union dues-paying member in good standing.If you are not yet a UFCW 3000 member, please sign a union application at this link:

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of sharing our stories with the community, especially in the event of a strike.We are actively seeking nurses who are willing to speak at community meetings and engage with the media to share our experiences. If you're interested in being a voice for our cause, please reach out to Anthony Cantu at (206) 436-6566.

Additionally, don't forget to spread the word about our podcast with your friends and family:

For those of you who are passionate about making a difference and want to take a leading role in positive change, consider becoming a strike captain. Your involvement could have a lasting impact on our profession and the quality of care we provide.

Sign up for this role on our strike pledge page >>
Also, mark your calendars for our upcoming strike captain meeting on October 10 at 8 pm via Zoom >>

As we move forward, remember that our determination remains unwavering. It's our unity and resolve that will lead us to victory. Let's maintain our momentum, support one another, and ensure that our voices are heard. Together, we can secure a contract that benefits both nurses and our patients!

Important Dates to Remember:

  • October 30, 2023 - Contract Expires!

  • October 19 - In-person Vote for Strike Authorization or Contract Ratification

  • October 16 - Meeting with Legislatures

  • October 11 - Meeting with Trades Union

  • October 10 and 11 - Negotiations with PRMCE

PRMCE RN Some movement but not enough!

Our third bargaining session on September 26 was both promising and frustrating. We want to keep you informed about the progress we've made, the challenges we face, and how we can continue to make a difference together.

Firstly, let's acknowledge our collective efforts, which have brought us significant headway in our discussions with Providence. We've reached tentative agreements on more than half of our proposals, and this achievement underscores the power of our unity and persistence.

However, there is still work to be done. Our core priorities revolve around ensuring patient safety through staffing language and securing competitive wage increases. Several critical items, including anniversary increase progression, staffing language, across-the-board increases/wage scale, premiums, internal equity pay, annual reviews of market wages, and recognition for years of experience, are still on the negotiation table.

Providence's recent preparation for a potential strike is a clear sign that our collective actions are making an impact. They are feeling the pressure. 

Our next bargaining sessions on October 10 and 11 offer us another opportunity to make progress. While there has been movement during our discussions, we are committed to achieving a contract which will ensure patient safety.

In addition to our negotiations, it's essential that we continue to share our stories with the community. We are actively seeking nurses who are willing to speak at community meetings and with the media to share our story, please see the meetings listed below. If you're interested in speaking at these events, please reach out to Anthony Cantu at (206) 436-6566.

Don't forget to share our podcast with your friends and family >>

For those of you who are passionate about making a difference and want to be at the forefront of positive change, consider becoming a strike captain. Your involvement could have a lasting impact on our profession and the quality of care we provide.

Sign up for this role on our strike pledge page >>

As we move forward, remember that our determination remains unwavering. It's our unity and resolve that will lead us to victory. Let's maintain our momentum, support one another, and ensure that our voices are heard. Together, we can win a contract which will benefit nurses and our patients!

​In solidarity,

PRMCE RN Bargaining Team:
Trevor Gjendem, Juan Stout, Carrie Rimel, Kelli Johnson, Stephanie Sausman, Julie Bynum, Kristen Crowder

Also, mark your calendars for our upcoming strike captain meeting on October 3 at 8pm via Zoom and in-person at the Everett Labor Temple >>

Important Dates to Remember:

  • October 30, 2023 - Contract Expires!

  • October 16 - Meeting with Legislatures

  • October 11 - Meeting with Trades Union

  • October 10 and 11 - Negotiations with PRMCE