UFCW 3000 Member Story: April Webb

UFCW 3000 Member Story: April Webb

April Webb has worked for Macy's at the Lancôme cosmetics counter for just 1 year, but has quickly grown to become a skilled workplace leader. As a new hire during the last Macy’s contract campaign in 2023, she started by getting her coworkers to wear union buttons and to participate in the summer and fall info pickets. When Macy’s workers went on strike over Macy’s unfair labor practices in November she helped make sure her coworkers in cosmetics were ready to strike on Black Friday.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelly Clark

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelly Clark

Shelly Clark has worked for Safeway for almost 8 years and in that time has become a leader at the Cheney store (just Southwest of Spokane). Her fellow coworkers consider her the "Store Mom," and she happily takes that title. She keeps track of her coworker's birthdays to wish them a happy birthday, and keeps morale up with her positive energy and sense of humor. She has worked in several different positions for Safeway, including cashiering, file maintenance, night stocking, and is currently the head bookkeeper.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Lori Johnson and Jill Lowe

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Lori Johnson and Jill Lowe

North Mason School District students and families depend on reliable and safe transportation to and from school in an area where many homes are spread over a wide area. UFCW 3000 members driving buses for North Mason School District provide that transportation every school day with professionalism and pride. Recently some of those drivers competed in the Washington State Association of Pupil Transportation School Bus Road-e-o, including drivers Lori Johnson and Jill Lowe who placed 3rd in the overall competition!

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Sumitra Zoller

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Sumitra Zoller

Sumitra (Sam)Zoller is a Health Unit Coordinator/Certified Nursing Assistant at Lourdes Medical Center in Pasco Washington. She has been a loyal employee and has been with the organization for over 15 years and helped organize the union in 2020/2021 and then served on the first contract bargaining committee.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Michele Reed

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Michele Reed

No matter who you are, sometimes life can be pretty rough. And sometimes the problems we’re faced with just can’t be solved while our regular day-to-day lives continue. The boss’s attitude is often, “Not my problem. You need to work your regularly scheduled shift!” Which is why union contracts generally have provisions for leaves in these situations, and why the labor movement has always pushed for laws to protect workers from unjust terminations and discipline when they need to take time off work for emergency situations.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Alycia Barrow

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Alycia Barrow

Alycia Barrow has worked in the grocery industry since she was 19 years old, and has stepped-up on and off the job to make her community a better place, “ I have a diverse set of skills, from being trained on de-escalation tactics, to knowing how to deal with someone in a mental health/addiction crisis, and who to call. I am also trained on how to use Narcan and know general community resources, having to navigate those systems for my own family.”

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelbie Graff

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Shelbie Graff

Shelbie had heard that the Union contract was about to expire and discovered that there was no one at the Long Beach location of Harbors Home Health and Hospice to represent them in these negotiations. So she volunteered to serve on the bargaining committee both for herself and coworkers. As bargaining unfolded, she learned more about the rights the contract provided her and how important it was to enforce it.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Roberta Bollin

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Roberta Bollin

Roberta Bollin (Birdie) has been with the Burlington Fred Meyer store since 2002 and loves working for a company that is represented by a union and being able to help solve problems on every day working conditions, like being able to take breaks, with management without having to fear repercussions.

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UFCW 3000 Member Story: Members Leaders Fight for Safety at the U-District Safeway

UFCW 3000 Member Story: Members Leaders Fight for Safety at the U-District Safeway

Prince Hart, Sean Ricco, Kevin, Daly, and Solas McGregor decided to take action to highlight their safety concerns at the University District Safeway. They started a petition to discuss their concerns and ways to help solve the problem. After collecting a majority of signatures of their coworkers they “marched on the boss” to talk with store management about the probelm.

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Women's History Month Member Stories: Leaders from the 2013 Grocery Store Contract Campaign

Women's History Month Member Stories: Leaders from the 2013 Grocery Store Contract Campaign

As the 2013 contract negotiations between UFCW 21, UFCW 367, Teamsters 38, and the national grocery chains (represented by Allied Employers) in Western Washington opened, it was obvious that it was going to be a fight to win a fair contract.

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Women's History Month Member Story: Tacoma General Lab Techs Organize to Be Heard

Women's History Month Member Story: Tacoma General Lab Techs Organize to Be Heard

Cheyenne Corneau had been working as a Medical Lab Technician for about a year in 2022 when her and her coworkers Colleen, and Marisa were talking about the need to get their coworkers involved in the union for better representation for lab techs at the next bargaining table.

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Women's History Month Member Story: Northwest Center Early Supports Workers

Women's History Month Member Story: Northwest Center Early Supports Workers

In 2022 Early Supports workers at Northwest Center decided to form a union and contacted organizers at UFCW 3000. Northwest Center is a not-for-profit organization that provides assistance and support to people with disabilities or those who care for them.

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